Prime exodus
Prime Exodus
Eternity became known as the Womb Realm, an allusion to the process of Reproduction that Adonaios had created. The process of pregnancy vessels would go through to create and birthe new ones. The Aeon Sophia, who created the Archons, inhabited the first vessel of a young woman. She cherished this beautiful Diamond Realm that they had built and watched it flourish as she and the Archons remained in Life to watch over it. However, the time spent in Life as immortal beings without vessels began to weaken the Archons.
Many Aeons, however, longed to return to Life after experiencing it and would resent the truth of losing it. Each vessel could only sustain a Soul for a limited period, and these Lives were fragile and easily lost. A vessel would expire and the Soul would be sent back to Eternity. Some Aeons began to seek ways of prolonging their Life in the Diamond Realm, keeping them from being sent back to Eternity. They wanted to remain in Life.
Eventually, some Aeons that had loved the experience of Life so much, decided to flee through the Chinvat Bridge to escape Eternity.The Chinvat Bridge was eventually forgotten. Its location was only known through the Akashic Record, the Universal Knowledge.
The Seven Archons granted Sophia their Seven Divine Powers who became known as the Sealing Maiden. The Sealing Maiden's purpose was to Seal the Chinvat Bridge so Aeons could not escape from Eternity, for without a vessel, they would be destroyed forever. To save them from themselves, Sophia performed the Sealing Rite.
The Sealing Rite was the ritual that created the Ouroboros Gate. The ritual bound the Akashic Record to a Mirror allowing for Eternity to be Sealed inside of the Gate. The Ouroboros Gate could only be accessed from the Diamond Realm during a Full Moon by using Sophia's Mirror to shine the Moonlight at it. Just as the Phoenix Gate was associated with the Sun, the Ouroboros Gate became associated with the Moon.
The ritual, weakened the Archons, though they wished to remain in Life and requested that Sophia Seal them into statues which became known as the Seven Pure Shrines. Sophia then decided to remain in the Diamond Realm as an immortal. Her Mirror could access the Akashic Record and because of her power, it would show her whatever she wished.
The Exodus compelled The Monad to punish the Aeons but opted instead to give them a choice, as many Aeons still wished to be among the Monad.
The One then created the Cycle of Samsara. Upon death, Souls would now be given a choice before returning to the Womb Realm.
At death, a Soul would be sent to a field called Horizon. Here, they could choose to enter Eternity permanently and remain with the Monad, or continue the cycle and return to Life. Eternity began to diverge and the Aeons that wished to remain in Eternity came to be known as Angels and would reside in the area called Heaven. Aeons that wished to continue the cycle of Samsara and return to Life, were sent to an area of transition known as Hell. As they awaited reincarntaion these Aeons became known as Demons. The Cycle was known as Samsara.