Waning Crescent
Aletheia awakes to a dream involving her being strangled by the Lord of Faces. She gets up before the Sun rises and sits on her balcony where she attempts to scrawl on some papers. She is unable to write anything worthwhile and begins to feel frustrated. Her mind is scattered and she can’t seem to get a full night’s sleep.
Aletheia is still grappling with the information that the Lord of Faces had told her. She is not afraid of Donofrey but is still haunted by Malkum and what he represents to her. She has been unable to confront the King about her feelings. She has been feeling more and more alone without her friends since Sam and Michael had always been at the castle with her. She also thinks of often of John. Nearly a month has passed since they had left and she wonders where he is. She obsesses over her antlers which have gotten longer over the summer and begins to believe what the Lord of Faces said, about her mother not having antlers. Aletheia decides to find out for herself.
In the early morning, her Lady-in-Waiting, Abigail is pleased to finds her already awake. She seems to have had a busy morning already and is in a rush entering the Princess’s chambers. Aletheia, tries to bring up her mother to Abigail but the Lady-in-Waiting is in too much of a rush to offer any insight. She tells Aletheia that she needs to get ready for the funeral that is to be held for Michael Mithose . The princess remembers the day now which have begun to blur together. As she gets ready, she asks her handmaidens if they had known her mother but they are even younger than Aletheia. They do, however, remind her that Abigail had also tended to the Queen so if anyone knows about her mother, she would.
Abigail returns to accompany Aletheia to the White Gardens behind the Crescent Keep. Aletheia takes this time to ask about her mother. Abigail begins to speak about her personality and about how beautiful she was. Aletheia asks what color were her eyes. Then her hair. Abigail is surprised by her sudden interest and she asks why she doesn't talk to the King himself and Aletheia states how he has been too busy lately and does not wish to burden him.
Abigail continues, mentioning that her hair was red but would often wear long veils adorned with beautiful decorations. Aletheia then asks if she knows what family of Fawn Elves she was from. Abigail hesitates at first but claims that she doesn't know much about her extended family. She only knows that she had come from Charis. They reach the end of the hall where the King waits. Abigail then tells her that if she is interested in her family, there is a book on her lineage in the Selene Archives. The Veiland Compendium tells of the history of Veiland's Royalty. It will have the answers she is looking for. Aletheia then silently take the King’s arm and forces a smile. They then walk into the daylight toward the White Gardens.
White Gardens
Aletheia and the King walk in the back of a small procession for Michael. They reach the White Gardens, the royal cemetery behind the Crescent Keep, in the late morning. Aletheia notices two young women during the procession that she does not recognize. One is tall, the other is short and seems younger than the Princess. There is a short ceremony where the King says a few words. He then asks Aletheia if she would say a few words but she refuses. After the ceremony, Aletheia stays behind and is approached by the younger girl. The girl introduces herself as Morgana, Michael’s younger sister. Aletheia had no idea that he had a sister but finds out that he had two, Morgana and Susanna. Susanna is by the entrance speaking with the King. As Aletheia and Morgana converse, Morgana demonstrates that she is a Champion by controlling dew from one of the leaves and moving in the air, creating a glitter effect in the sunlight. Susanna interrupts them and asks Aletheia about how her brother was killed
Aletheia tells them what happened, that she saw his face and that he was a young man with very pointed features. He was killed when the Keep collapsed. The sisters wish to find the Black Jester because he may have been involved with the kidnapping of their father. They had been searching for their missing father when they learned of their brother’s death. Aletheia wants to help but Susanna snaps at her stating that she has done enough. It is clear that Susanna blames Aletheia for her brothers death. She leaves and informs Morgana that they will stay outside of town before heading to the Starcross Keep to find out more about Michaels death and their fathers whereabouts.
Aletheia is distraught but Morgana comforts her. It is clear that Morgana does not blame Aletheia. She reminds her that since Aletheia thought of Michael as a brother, that makes her and the Princess sisters. She asks not to feel hurt by Susanna, that she is just angry about what happened. Both she and Susanna will be there for her. Morgana then leaves.
The princess remains by herself and her eyes find her mother’s grave atop another hill. She goes to the Queen's grave which is a large open garden with a circular wall surrounding it with four pillars behind her tombstone. The stone is large, ornately designed marble statue. The statue of the Queen appears to have antlers just like the one fountain of the main square in town. The King approaches from a ways down the gardens and Aletheia sees that he is approaching toward the Queen’s grave. The King seemed to be coming to speak with Aletheia but she has hidden herself below the marble railing. She moves silently away, not wishing to speak with the king. As she leaves the White Gardens, she sees the King standing at the Queen’s grave alone.
mithose sisters
Lost Champions
Aletheia immediately goes to the Archives to search for the Veiland Compendium that Abigail had mentioned. She is unable to locate it at first but finds that the Veiland Compendium had been checked out but never returned by the Royal Alchemist. The Alchemist is Sam's mentor who died several years ago in an alchemical accident that killed him and almost killed Sam who was burned severely on his right hand. She finds the compendium in his lab after investigating some of Sam's latest experiments.
Aletheia finds the book and discovers that most of the pages has been badly damaged. She finds that the page of her mother, Theia of Charis, had been completely burned out as well as many of the others.
The only name that is legible in the book reads Velu of Charis, and he is indeed the brother of the Queen. On an appended page, she finds that Charis is a village in the country of Meridian. Aletheia is not familiar with the village but discovers that Charis is indeed a village of Fawn Elves. She tries to see this as confirmation that her mother’s family was elvish but something still troubles her. She reads that Velu has black hair, the most common color of Fawn Elves. It is rare for them to have any other hair color. Only Flora Elves have silver hair. Aletheia doesn’t remember the color of her mother’s hair but knows she didn’t get her red hair from her father. She has to make sure.
Velu resides in the Silvayne Manor and still does as of 3 years ago. The Manor is near the town of Ophelia about two days ride southeast of Selene. She begins to truly suspect that she is not the King's daughter but wishes to find out more regardless and she resolves to find Velu near Ophelia. She remembers that the Mithose sisters had mentioned being from Ophelia, and prepares to meet them before they leave.
The Pyromancer
Early the next morning, Aletheia leaves a note on her dresser and sneaks out of the castle once again. She leaves the major city of Selene on horseback and enters Skyvale Hamlet just outside of the city. The sisters mentioned that they had decided to stay at the inn at the edge of town. Aletheia intends to travel with the sisters to Ophelia to find Velu of Charis. She reaches the Inn and attempts to walk inside before hearing some commotion across the street. Three riders have entered the town and begin to harass the villagers.
One man in a mask goes to a merchant setting up shop. The man in the mask calling himself the PyroMancer claims to be the new High Champion of Selene and has come to collect the taxes for his servitude. Few had heard the rumor that the Lunar Guardian had been killed and don't believe him. The man states that without the Lunar Guardian around Selene has begun its inevitable downfall. He carries the Silver Feather of the Lunar Guardian. The merchant is hesitant and the thugs with swords begin to wreck his shop.
Aletheia calls out to the Mancer and tells him to leave these people alone.
The Mancer is intrigued and asks who she is. Aletheia states that she can ask him the same thing because she knows he is not the High Champion of Selene. The PyroMancer insults her claiming how would a woman know. As Aletheia begins to speak again, a man behind her stops her and states that he will handle it. The man is an older burly man that is the blacksmith of the town. He says that he also believes that the Pyromancer is no Champion and warns him to leave as he is brandishes a sword.
The thugs advance on him but the Mancer stops them. He plucks a small piece of wood from his staff and it ignites in his hand. He throws a fireball at the man, knocking him down and setting his clothes on fire. The PyroMancer and his thugs laugh as the man puts out the fire on his clothes. Aletheia tries to help and singes her glove but a splash of water falls from above them and puts out the flame. Right then, a spear clashes against the swords of the thugs, knocking them back.
Morgana and Susanna have arrived and stand in front of Aletheia and the blacksmith. Susanna has her spear out and Morgana is holding a small dagger. Aletheia notices that Morgana’s hand is wet from the water. Susanna confronts the thugs and she too tells the thugs to leave. Aletheia pulls off her singed glove and picks up the man's sword. She then stands next to the two girls. Susanna gives them one last warning to walk away. The Mancer is surprised at the brazenness of these women but states that they are evenly matched. He unsheathes a sword and ignites the blade with his hand.
Susanna calls out to Morgana who uses her power to create a wide blast of water she throws at the men catching them off guard. The thugs get knocked over but the PyroMancer is still standing. Susanna strikes the blunt edge of her spear on the PyroMancer's mask knocking it off revealing a man with horrible burns on the side of his face and neck. Morgana grabs Aletheia's hand and they run to her horse. Susanna follows as the Mancer yells for his goons to go after them. The three girls ride out of Skyvale and into the open field. Aletheia protests that they can't just abandon the townspeople to those thugs. Susanna turns to see the three men in pursuit of them. She tells Aletheia to hush up as they enter the forest.
Return to the Keep
The three women, hidden in the brush, see the three pursuers ride past them and continue away from them on the trail. Morgana had jumped to Susanna's horse so the Mancer would continue to follow hers as it continued to run. Susanna indicates that they will need to stay off of the road for now. She then looks to Aletheia and angrily asks what she was thinking.
Aletheia states that she couldn't let the men terrorize her citizens like that. Susanna scolds her by stating how foolish she was for putting herself in harm’s way like she did. Aletheia continues to defend herself by stating that she is not afraid of them. Susanna, aggravated, states that it isn't about being afraid, she didn't even have a weapon and asks her what she intended to do. Aletheia realizes that she may be trying to prove to herself that she isn't afraid. She ignores Susanna and simply states that she had to do something.
Susanna exasperatedly asks what she was doing there and Aletheia explains that she wants to accompany Susanna and Morgana back to Ophelia. Susanna protests and tells her that she has seen first-hand that it is too dangerous. Aletheia claims that she can handle herself but Susanna reminds her that she was kidnapped not more than a month prior. Aletheia is quiet at this. Susanna continues and states that besides this, they are not going to Ophelia, they are going to the Starcross Keep. She won’t babysit a princess and tells Aletheia to go home. Aletheia sees an opportunity and asks Susanna how to get to the Keep from there if they are going to stay off the road.
Susanna looks at her and the princess claims that she knows the way without the roads. There is truth to this since that was the way she was taken when she was kidnapped. Morgana smiles and tells Susanna that they do need to stay off the road and it might not be safe for Aletheia to travel back home on her own. Susanna sighs and says that she can accompany them to the Keep but warns that they are escorting her home right after. Aletheia agrees for now and says that they should be off. The women then head toward the Starcross Keep.
As they ride, Aletheia asks why the sisters are going to the Keep since it was destroyed. Morgana tells Aletheia why they were so interested in the story of her kidnapping at the Moon Gardens. She informs her that there had been disappearances around Ophelia and other towns and there was a rumor that a Jester in a white mask was behind it. There father was also one of the missing persons. They were soon informed by the King that their brother was killed rescuing the Princess. Only after they spoke with Aletheia did they realize that the Jester was involved.
Aletheia recounts that the Jester did kidnap her but the Lord of Faces was responsible so it could be that he was connected to this as well. He had attempted to replace Aletheia before seeing an opportunity in Michael. She catches herself and apologizes to which Susanna replies that it is ok. She then asks how the Lord of Faces died.
Aletheia admits that he was killed by her which is how she knows that he’s dead. Susanna is surprised at this and she reassures her that she would have done the same. She admits to Aletheia that she didn’t expect the Princess to be capable of doing that though. Aletheia mentions that she was only saving her friend. Morgana then reassures her that she only did what she had to. Susanna agrees just as they approach the Keep.
Waxing Crescent
The three women dismount their horses and investigate the entrance and search for a way in. The entrance had completely collapsed and much of the surrounding terrain was falling away. The Keep was built into the mountain so it seemed there was no access. Susanna is getting frustrated when she sees that there was a handful of bodies strewn across the rubble. Morgana and Aletheia stay by the entrance.
Morgana asks Aletheia if this is where her brother had died and Aletheia confirms that it is. Morgana than kneels and begins a small prayer as Aletheia hears a sound in the forest behind them. She sees nothing though and walks toward the river. A small waterfall flowed from the side of the Keep that fed into a river at its base.
Aletheia takes in the quiet of the forest and comforts her horse as it drinks. She sees a white deer on the opposite side of the river, a female without antlers. It runs away and Aletheia touches her own antlers. She then takes out a bladder of water and begins to fill it for a drink. She is still beside the river with her horse as Susanna approaches.
She had brought her horse to drink water as well. Susanna states that she had found some tracks that head into the forest they will follow. They will take her home, first. Aletheia tries to protest but Susanna says that they won’t go any further with the princess. She then asks why Aletheia wants to go to Ophelia.
Aletheia tells her that she wants to find a man named Velu of Charis. She stumbles over her words and states that he has the answer to an important question she has. Before Susanna can ask what question needs an answer, a trail of fire surrounds them. They turn and see the PyroMancer with Morgana.
The Mancer greets them as he stands with his men. Morgana is being held by one of them. Susanna and Aletheia are facing them with the river to their backs. Susanna asks what they want from them. The PyroMancer states that he would love to repay her for what happened in Starvale but that has changed. He states that their little Elf friend is the Princess of Selene. Aletheia realizes that she is no longer wearing her hood. The PyroMancer says that there were rumors of her after the Lord of Faces fell. The Pyromancer takes off his broken mask and states that he was one of the Trionfi mercenaries at the Keep when the princess was kidnapped. He says that he should thank her as he no longer has to answer to the Lord of Faces. He will take her and ransom her himself. He tells Aletheia that she will now come with him.
Aletheia begins to walk forward but Susanna stops her. Susanna asks the Pyromancer if they were involved with the group that kidnapped Aletheia, then they must be in league with the Black Jester as well. She asks him where the kidnapped people from Ophelia are. The PyroMancer tells her that he has broken away from them but has no intention of revealing anything to her either way. He grabs Morgana himself and tells Aletheia that she is coming with him or Morgana dies.
Aletheia puts down Susanna's arm. She walks toward them and squirts the water bottle at Morgana. The water forms an arrow of water in the air. In a flash the arrow flies at the PyroMancer, piercing his shoulder and knocking him back. Morgana rolls away as Susanna grabs here spear and throws it at one of the thugs hitting him in the chest. The other assailant pulls his knife and advances on Morgana who is still on the ground. Aletheia grabs his face from behind and he collapses. Morgana is surprised to learn that the Princess is a Champion as well. Susanna grabs her spear and points it at the PyroMancer who is still on the ground. His arm is bleeding from the water arrow. Aletheia helps Morgana up and they watch Susanna from the riverbank.
Susanna then grabs the PyroMancer and pushes him into the water of the river. She points her spear at him as he stands there dripping with water. Susanna demands that he tell her where the missing people are being held and she might not kill him. The PyroMancer tells her that he doesn't know anything about that and Susanna stabs him in the leg. Both Aletheia and Morgana fear she may be going too far. Susanna tells him that the Lord of Faces is dead and the little Elf girl killed him. She asks him where the rest of the Lord's mercenaries are.
The PyroMancer then states that they would meet at a Manor that the Lord of Faces took over. They would use it to organize his plans. The Lord of Faces had begun to create a large mercenary group called the Trionfi. They needed skilled people to help with making equipment and weapons. It was where the Trionfi would meet when summoned and that is where the kidnapped lords would be.
Susanna asks where the Manor is and he states that he doesn't know where it is. He just knows that it is called the Silvayne Manor. Aletheia is disturbed by this and pushes past Susanna. She confirms he said Silvayne Manor, the residence of Velu of Charis. He says he thinks so and she grabs him and asks what happened to him and if he is alright. She accidently touches his skin and the Pyromanceer immediately goes unconscious and falls into the shallow water. Susanna asks what happened to him and Morgana explains that Aletheia is a Champion as well.
Aletheia looks defeated and Morgana asks who Velu of Charis is. She explains that his is supposedly her uncle and who she is looking for. She had intended to find Velu in Ophelia. It is why she is traveling with them. Susanna puts her hand on Aletheia's shoulder to comfort her and states that she isn't done traveling with them yet. Aletheia looks back at her friends and Susanna asks her if they are heading to Silvayne Manor. The three then leave to head toward Ophelia and Silvayne Manor.
Silvayne Manor
Aletheia and the Mithose sisters emerge from the mountains to see the town of Ophelia in the distance. They had traveled southeast from the Ruined Keep for a full day before they reached the road going toward Ophelia. Aletheia had read that the Silvayne estate was located just north of Ophelia, away of the larger town. At their current pace, the trio would be able to reach the estate by nightfall.
It is the late evening as the three women reach the gated entry to the Silvayne Estate. There is a path that leads to the Manor but the women leave their horses and approach on foot from the woods that surround the estate. They climb over the retaining wall that surrounds the lawn and pathway leading to the Manor. There are trees and shrubbery that decorate the lawn on either side of the pathway and the three are careful to stay within brush as they approach. Susanna takes point and notes that there doesn't seem to be anyone around.
They reach the front of the Manor and notice that it seems to be in disarray, with a few broken windows and an overgrowth of foliage. They sneak up to an unbroken window. Aletheia looks through, but sees no one and Susanna begins to doubt if there is anyone there. Aletheia notices that there are lit candles in one of the rooms but Morgana then hears horses in the distance behind them. They look back to see two lights approaching the Manor from the gate. They have no time to run back to cover and Susanna shatters the window. All three climb through and find themselves in a wine cellar.
The women look to see two riders are coming up the path. Aletheia recognizes them to be Trionfi mercenaries. One of the Trionfi is pulling a small cart attached to their horse where a man sits with a sack over his head. The pair dismount their horses and then pull off the man from out of the cart. The two soldiers then lead the man into the Manor.
Aletheia finds the stairway that leads out of the cellar and three enter the Kitchens that overlook the Dining Hall. The kitchen is in a mess and the dining hall seems to be unused but Morgana sees that the larder is full of food. They sneak to the edge of the kitchen to an outcropping that opens to the dining hall. The two men have taken the sack off the head of their captor to reveal an older man dressed in robes. He seems to be a priest.
One of the Trionfi sits down at the Dining Table and the other stands behind them. They tell the priest that he must be wondering why he is there. The priest seems unfazed and responds that he is is sure that they will tell him. He asks if they have his hat to cover his balding head. The mercenary tells him that their lord requires his expertise on Champions. The priest asks them what he means by expertise. They state that they know that he is Basildes, the Father of the High Champion and an authority on Champions. Their lord needs to be healed from an affliction from his power.
Basildes admits that they were mistaken in believing that he is an authority on Champions. The priest says that he is unsure if he will be able to help. The soldier then tells the other one to grab some wine. The three girls look at each other with worry as they crouch in the middle of the kitchen. Aletheia sees a wine bottle and motions for the girls to hide themselves. The soldier opens the door to see a wine bottle sitting in the middle of the floor. Aletheia grabs him from behind and knocks him out with her touch.
Back in the Dining Hall, the other soldier asks Basildes to clarify why he is sure he can't heal Donofrey. Basildes explains that all Champions suffer from their powers in some way but it is not an illness. It is a gift and that gift is a part of them. The soldier says that they will let the Lord sort that out as they were just told to bring him in. He then motions for Basildes to stand as he calls out to his companion in the kitchen.
Basildes stands and looks behind the soldier with surprise. The priest states that they must be out of wine. The soldier begins to turn but Susanna grabs him and holds a knife to his throat.
Sealed Truth
Susanna asks her hostage what he is doing there as Morgana emerges from the kitchen. The soldier tells Susanna that she is very much in over her head. She then warns him that he is about to lose his unless he tells her what he is doing at the Manor. She then presses the knife in deeper. Basildes interjects and states that there is no need for violence.
Morgana begins to free Basildes and asks him if he is alright. Basildes reassures her that he is fine but asks who they are and why they came to such a dangerous place. Morgana states that it is a long story as Aletheia then emerges from the kitchen. Basildes looks at her curiously and says that he is sure it is. He then urges the soldier to tell these women what he knows.
The soldier complies and says that he is part of the Trionfi mercenary and he along with the others were summoned to the manner. Aletheia interjects asking who summoned them and if it was Velu of Charis. She is beginning to fear that he is involved. The soldier says that Lord Donofrey summoned them, he has taken over the Trionfi.
Susanna asks him if there are others that the Trionfi had kidnapped besides the priest. The mercenary says yes, that that the lord needed more than just mercenaries. Susanna is getting impatient and asks where the others are. Just then, a noise is heard from down the hall and Morgana says that someone is coming. Susanna motions for Aletheia to put the soldier to sleep. She does so and Basildes confirms that she is Princess Aletheia. He is incredulous and asks her why she is there but Susanna quiets him as she and Morgana push the soldier under the table cloth.
The four of them then sneak out of the room and into the foyer of the manor. They hear footsteps back where they came and rush up a staircase to the second floor. They make their way down a darkened hallway and Susanna states that they need to be on their guard when the floor breaks under their feet. Aletheia and Basildes fall through and into another hallway below as voices are hear in the dining hall next to them. The sisters signal Aletheia and Basildes to hide and the pair escape into a gallery before being seen.
The gallery is long and there are windows that overlook two small adjoining courtyards on either side. Aletheia states that they should try to find the sisters and they begin to look around the room for a way out. Basildes asks the Princess how is it that she has come to such a place and Aletheia pauses and says that she came looking for her uncle, Velu of Charis. Basildes is unfamiliar with the name. She then asks the Priest how it is that he recognized her with her. She has been careful to keep her hood up since the Ruined Keep.
Basildes states that he has known her since she was 5 years old. He knows her and what her Champion power is. Aletheia realizes that few knew that she is a Champion. He has not visited the capital in a while and understands if she doesn't remember him. He then reveals that he helped her father create the figure of the High Champion.
Just then, two guards are seen from the window making rounds outside in the courtyard and the pair duck behind some statues to avoid being seen. One statue is a bust that says Lord Velu of Charis. Aletheia looks up at it and it is clear that Velu is a human man.
The soldiers begin to move away and Basildes says that it should be safe to move down the gallery. Aletheia doesn't move. He asks her if she is alright. Aletheia begins to search the names of the other busts. She finds that the family of Charis all appear to be human. Aletheia looks around frantically and finally finds the bust of her mother, Theia of Charis. She is also without antlers.
Basildes says her name and Aletheia is quiet as the guards from outside walk past the windows again. The pair duck down and are quiet until they pass. Basildes stands and then asks the princess what is wrong. She quietly requests that he not call her that. She removes her hood as she begins to tell Basildes why she is there.
Aletheia admits to Basildes that she is not the true Princess of Selene. Her antlers prove that. Basildes protests that he thought her mother, the Queen, was elven. She states that it is what everyone believes but tells Basildes to look at the bust in front of him. It says Theia of Charis. Aletheia clarifies that it is the Queen. The Queen and her family weren't elven. Basildes is silent. He had suspected but never pressed the matter to the King as the Queen had already died when King Marcus came to him. Aletheia says that she heard a rumor and had to find out if there was truth to it. She admits though that she believed it from the start but hoped that she was wrong. She didn't want the truth to be her father's lie.
Basildes is pensive. He posits that perhaps there is truth in the lie. He tells her that he once knew a man that was a Champion before there were High Champions. This man held onto certain secrets that some could consider lies. These secrets were to protect himself but they also protected others. Although he did lie, he was true in many other ways. He looks at Aletheia, addressing her as the Princess, and states that he believes it is the same with her father. Aletheia is silent. He continues and says that he knows this because she is the reason that Champions exist. She seems confused and begins to speak but two guards open the far door.
The pair hide again as the soldiers begin to walk down the gallery toward them. Basildes signals to Aletheia toward a window leading to an open courtyard where they exit. Going up some stairs Aletheia sees an open door where two voices can be heard coming from it. Aletheia is intrigued and enters the open door. Basildes follows and they find themselves on the second floor of a library. Below them she is horrified to see the Black Jester arguing with an older looking man. Aletheia and Basildes look on as they overhear the Jester talking. He refers to the other man as Master Mithose. He is Owen Mithose and addresses the Jester as Lord Donofrey.
The Trionfi
Aletheia and Basildes watch as Donofrey is telling Owen that he is growing tired of his excuses. The Black Jester begins to talk about the production of weapons that Owen has been overseeing but Owen is pleading that the time frame is impossible. Donofrey reminds Owen that he has delivered so much where the other scholars had failed. He was able to modify the ballistas as he was instructed so he has faith in his skills and simply needs him to work faster in building the larger weapons. Owen pleads that even Malkum had let him rest but Donofrey cuts him short telling him to be careful and not to mention him again.
Aletheia whispers to Basildes about the situation, that she knows the Jester and his role in her kidnapping several weeks ago. She states that him being alive makes their current situation even more dangerous than it already was.
Below them, there is a silence as Donofrey looks at his hand. It is completely diamond. He asks Owen if he has ever felt true pain. He turns and faces Owen. He then details how difficult and tiring it was to claw his way out of the Ruined Keep. He then places his hand around Owen's neck gingerly. A guard enters and apologize for interrupting. Donofrey lets go of his neck and asks the soldier if the Trionfi have returned with the priest. The soldier then states that he came to tell Donofrey that there is a cart and horses at the front of the manner but the two members did not check in when they returned. Aletheia and Basildes look at each other.
Donofrey is silent but he turns back to Owen He relents and taps his face as he states that Owen can rest for now but will continue in the morning. He states that they will move on Selene before Winter. Owen complies in exhaustion and Donofrey tells the guard to take him back to the stables for now. Aletheia and Basildes watch as Donofrey leaves towards the entrance of the Manor.
Aletheia anxiously states that they have to warn Selene. Not only is it unprepared for an attack but the Black Jester is extremely dangerous. Basildes tells her that he can send a message if they can return to the Monos Cathedral. He suggests that they need to find her friends and leave now. Aletheia agrees and the two follow the guard that took Owen Mithose. They head outside and over a bridge that leads to the balcony of the stables.
The Trionfi mercenary opens the door to the stables and finds Morgana and Susanna freeing the other captives. He draws his sword and Susanna picks up her spear but Aletheia comes up from behind and knocks him out. There is a short reunion as Owen hugs his daughters. Morgana is glad Aletheia and Basildes are alright and Susanna urges them all to hurry. They still need to escape.
Basildes helps some of the injured captives and asks if they were all kidnapped. Owen looks down as he explains that he is the only one left of the abducted scholars. One of the others prisoners states that they are residents of the Manor who had served Velu of Charis. Aletheia asks where Velu is and they explain that a man named Malkum Greve had assumed his identity to overtake the Manor. After that he began to assemble the weapons with the group called the Trionfi. He had killed the real Velu before he and the Jester left a month ago. Only the Jester returned and has begun assembling the full force of the Trionfi.
Morgana says it looks like they are preparing for an attack and shows her the courtyard through the window where she sees artillery and ballista loaded onto carts. Aletheia tells them the Trionfi intend to attack Selene as soon as the remaining Trionfi arrive. They intend to do so before Winter. Susanna says that they better leave now before more soldiers come. The stables are locked so they must head back the way they came. Susanna takes point ahead of them and they all leave the stables.
They begin to head back down the bridge as two soldiers come through the doors. Immediately Susanna attacks and takes down one with her spear. The other draws his sword and retaliates but Susanna forces him back and holds him against the wall. She calls out to her friends move past and Basildes leads them over the bridge and into a hallway. He opens a door to the balcony and the courtyard below where the horse and cart sit next the manor.
Basildes jumps down to the cart and helps the other seven do the same. Morgana, Owen and Aletheia move past Susanna as she continues to fights the mercenary. He attacks her and she rolls back, sending him flying out the window to the courtyard below.
Owen and Morgana makes it to the balcony and jumps down to the cart. Aletheia follows when the door near her bursts open and knocks her back. Three Trionfi stand between them and the balcony. The one in front is the same one that Aletheia knocked out earlier. Susanna gets in front of her and they retreat back to the bridge.The three guards block their way and unsheathe their weapons. Morgana sees them from below and frantically shouts that she needs to help them but Owen protests.
Susanna and Aletheia are cut off in the hallway as the Trionfi approach. The two woman begin to move back when Susanna sees something from the window, making her eyes widen. She grabs Aletheia and wrenches her to the floor as fast as she can. Just then, large steel bolts shatter the windows and pierce the wood, splintering the bridge. A sound like deafening thunder is heard as the bolts tear through the bridge and break it in half. Morgana and the others look on in horror as the metal bolts clang away from the splintering wood. The volley of arrows stops and the structure collapses, dropping Susanna and Aletheia into the cobblestone below. The several struts of the arched bridge fall into the door of the stables, bashing it open.
Morgana tells Basildes to take the cart and wait for them at the entrance to the manor. She tells Owen to go with them and he says to hell with that, he will go with her. Basildes asks her what she will do and she is silent as she looks back toward the broken doorway to the stables.
Beneath the Veil
Aletheia and Susanna recover and pick themselves up from the fall. Dust swirls about and there is debris and splintered wood strewn all around them. Susanna holds her arm and Aletheia sees that it is bleeding, but she has to stop herself from touching her skin. Susanna looks up to see what happened.
Donofrey had been firing the metal arrows from one of the ballista on the field. He seems impressed as he gets off of the Ballista and begins praising the machine aloud. He claims Owen has outdone himself and addresses the Trionfi, who have begun to gather on the deck in front of him. He tells them that this ballista is Mithose's design, the Polybolos. The three other Trionfi that were in the collapsed hallway, had picked themselves up and address Lord Donofrey. One soldier is shaken and asks if Donofrey meant to fire on them.
Donofrey says that of course he didn't. He feigns concern and asks them if they are alright as he walks up the steps to the deck. Before any of them can answer he immediately tells them to bring him the meddling little mice that have been sneaking around manor. Susanna helps Aletheia up and they move away from the debris as the dust settles. Aletheia's hood is caught in the rubble and rips off as she stands. Donofrey sees this and shouts at everyone to stop. He seems agitated and tells them that this is the Princess of Selene. He then asks if Aletheia is alright, truly concerned with her wellbeing. He asks his men why they didn't tell him the Princess of Veiland had come. He begins to move toward Aletheia.
Susanna holds her spear up and commands him to stay away. Donofrey apologizes and claims that he does not want to harm the Princess. He addresses her directly, citing how happy he is that to see her. Donofrey says that he wanted to thank her first hand when he takes over Selene but he is glad to do it now. Aletheia is confused and asks what he has to thank her for. The Jester claims that she has seen the face under his mask. She touched him and it meant something. She has opened his eyes and set him free. Aletheia looks disturbed and tells him that he is mad. Donefrey stops walking and stands in front of her. He then tells her that he is only madly in love with her.
Susanna has had enough and lunges forward with her spear. Aletheia yells for her to stop but the spear hits, stabbing Donofrey in the chest. He doesn't move and the spear tip didn't pierce him. Susanna is shocked that the strike did nothing. Donofrey flings his fist and hits Susanna once in the stomach and once across the face. She falls back, badly hurt and Aletheia runs to her. She pleads for him to let Susanna go.
Donofrey pulls off his glove and looks at his diamond hand. He says that he loves her and states that she made him feel something that he has never felt before. He hasn't been the same since. He says it pierced his heart like an arrow.
At this, a Trionfi calls out and Donofrey turns as a metal bolt hits Donofrey in the chest. The force sends him flying into the Manor through a window. The other Trionfi dive out of the way as more arrows begin to fly past, smashing through the windows and walls of the manor. Owen was the one who had moved to the Polybolos and begun firing at the Manor. Morgana rides up with two horses. Aletheia helps Susanna get on the horse before mounting the other. Another volley of metal flys above them, sending the Trionfi to the ground and taking shelter back in the Manor.
The girls ride off toward the steps to the deck to see Owen has tied a rope around the crank of the Polybolos. The other end of the rope is tied to the horn of the saddle of a horse. Owen slaps the butt of the horse, sending it away, and pulling the crank. Owen mounts another horse as rope pulls the crank, continuing to fire on the Trionfi. The group then jumps the wreckage of the bridge and continues to the front of the Manor. As they ride away from Silvayne Manor, Aletheia looks back to see Donofrey coming out from the front door, breathing heavily. He sees the horses running off into the distance as the sun is rises.
Enter the Stars
The three women plus Owen, meet up with Basildes at the Gate entrance and they ride off toward Ophelia. By the late morning, the caravan stops at a juncture in the road and Aletheia believes that they are not being followed. Susanna is badly injured and must be taken home to Ophelia. Aletheia and Basildes will ride back to Selene. The Monos Cathedral is on the way by taking the Spring Road. There they can send word to Selene to warn them of the attack.
Basildes says a prayer for the group and takes one of the horses after waving goodbye. Owen Mithose takes the reins of the Horse cart while the other Ophelians thank Aletheia as she prepares to leave. Morgana begins to cry but Aletheia hugs her reminding her that they are sisters and they will see each other again. Susanna thanks her and addresses her as the Princess of Selene. As the group heads toward Ophelia, Aletheia looks back as she and Basildes ride off toward Selene.
They ride for a full day and reach the Cathedral by nightfall. Basildes sends out a hawk and reassures Aletheia that it will get there faster than she could ride. He attempts to persuade her to stay at the Cathedral, reminding her that the King can handle the situation. Aletheia thanks him for his help but there is more than just Mithose's weapons. The Jester cannot be killed. He has survived things he shouldn't have. Aletheia admits that she doesn't know if she can stop him. However, she has been the only one to ever hurt him so she has to try. Basildes asks if she won't at least wait until the morning but she again refuses as there is little time to lose.
They walk outside of the Cathedral where a statue sits in the courtyard. Basildes walks with her and Aletheia finally asks what he meant in the gallery of Sylvane. He told her that she was the reason why Champions exist. Basildes explains that her father, the King, came to him 15 years ago, when Aletheia was 3. The Clerics kept being put to sleep by her and the King was at a loss. King Marcus was desperate for a way to heal her from whatever affliction she had. To cure her from her illness. He believed that others wouldn't understand her because people with powers were still rumor and he was afraid that she would be feared. He came to Basildes to try and shield her from that.
Basildes continues that he could see the King's love for Aletheia. King Marcus stated he would move the heavens and the earth to keep people from fearing his daughter. Basildes asked the King that if he could change not the world but people's view of it, would he. He agreed and that is when Basildes was able to convince him that Aletheia didn't need to be healed. She needed to be understood. They had locked themselves in the Cathedral and spoke for days about everything. In that time they came up with the High Champion. The solution to change people's views on these gifted individuals.
Aletheia is silent as tears swell in her eyes. She looks up at the moon and finally cries after she could not after Michael’s death. Basildes concludes that the King's love for her is what changed people's view on Champions. It is the reason Champions are not called Sorcerers or Witches. Basildes then tells her to speak with the King about it when she can. He touches her gloved hand and she touches his. He tells her that regardless of her heritage, she is the true Princess of Selene.
Aletheia looks on him and smiles. Suddenly, they hear birds crying in the distance. The pair look confused as they feel a rumbling. A soft ringing starts as light is emitted from the Statue behind Basildes. He turns and they see the light travel up into the sky and disappears as quick as it came. Aletheia opens her eyes to see John Noble coughing and his clothes smoking. He is on the ground in front of the statue looking exhausted.