stolen MOON
aletheia "summer" garb
Stolen Moon
In June, an annual festival was held in Selene called the Summer Moon Festival. People from Veiland would come to Selene for 3 days of festivities. Aletheia would often disguise herself to freely walk the festival and visit the booths. The first thing she loved to do was to visit the stables to see all of the new horses from the countryside. When she arrived at the stables, she noticed a young man with a fully black horse. The princess learned that his name was John and she introduced herself as Nadia, the name of one of the horses in the stables that day. John had just arrived at the stables for festival and Nadia offered to show him around. The pair leave the stables and begin to walk the festival together.
As they walk, they pass several events as well as a Black Jester who juggles for them. They pass various stands and tables and John sees that Nadia is interested in a blue dye at one of the booths. They continue walking the festival and stop at a few games. John wins at a puzzle game and Nadia wins at an archery game. They intend to trade their tickets for a horn of mead until they reach the amphitheater that is hosting a play. John is familiar with the play from earlier in the day and he and Nadia stop to watch.
The pair watches the performance from the back of the stage as two knights fight over a princess. John sees the end of the play that he interrupted earlier, where the black knight disarms the white knight. Before the killing strike, the black knight is blown off the stage by the princess who is revealed to the audience to be a Champion. The performance truly starts there and the main performer, Rosa, does a spectacular exhibition of her wind powers. John tries to hide his embarrassment from his run in with them earlier.
It is here that John tells Nadia that he got his black eye when he interrupted their performance earlier. Their share a laugh as Nadia teases him about it. John finally sees the humor in it. Before the performance ends there is a large gust that impresses everyone including John. It is here that Nadia's hood flies off revealing that she has small white antlers on her head beneath her hood. Neither John nor anyone else notices because of the grand finale. She pulls it back on quickly but the Jester had been following them. He was the only person to see that she has the antlers, and trait of Faun Elves, as well as red hair. The Black Jester takes a strange interest in this.
John and Nadia end the night at the statue of the late Queen Theia of Selene. The statue sits atop a stairway that leads to a courtyard in front of the Crescent Keep. It is here that John discovers the Queen of Selene seems to be of Faun heritage, denoted by the antlers on the statue. They convers a little longer and Nadia thanks him for a nice time but is disappointed that he is not staying in the city longer. John is disappointed as well and contemplates things, saying that maybe he will see her again someday. Nadia suggests they meet again somewhere and they agree that they meet at the lone oak tree in the Starfall Fields, where John rested when he first arrived. They part ways at the statue.
Nadia looks back at him and turns to see the Black Jester juggling for her. John stops in an alleyway contemplating if he should continue his night alone or have a drink with his mead ticket. In his pocket he realizes that he forgot to give Nadia the blue dye that he purchased earlier in secret for her. He returns to the statue and sees the Black Jester put Nadia to sleep. He attempts to call out but a fire breather blows a flame and John sees that the Jester is gone. The fireworks start as two guards come from the courtyard and ask what happened. John exclaims that a girl a girl has been kidnapped. He says that she has red hair and the guards look at each other. They ask if she had antlers. John is confused at the statement but has no time to answer when he sees the jester in the distance, running across a rooftop. John ignores the guards and gives chase.
Running through alleyways, John keeps up with the Jester as he disappears over the last rooftop near the outer wall of the city. John runs up the stairs leading to the walkway but sees nothing. He looks over the wall into the moat and sees something in the darkness. The Jester had jumped over the edge and into a boat. He is rowing away and is nearly to the edge of the moat. As the two guards finally catch up, John jumps into the water in pursuit of the Black Jester.
Falling into Night
Aletheia awakes in a cart as she is taken to a hideout by the Jester and two others in helms that cover their faces. She notices the Jester inspecting his hand where his fingertip resembles diamond. They come to a stronghold amid the ruins of an old keep that was carved into a mountain that overlooks a small waterfall. The keep was once called the Star’s Edge though Aletheia remembered that it had been abandoned some decades ago. The keep holds a series of tunnels that intertwine within the foundation. Aletheia is taken inside of keep and on the way in notices the guards using a floodgate in the main hall. She makes some attempt to remove the binds on her hands as well as her gloves but to no avail.
The Princess is taken to a dining hall in the dilapidated keep and meets a tall but slight man with a raven on his shoulder. He is courteous and introduces himself as the Lord of Faces but she can call him Gilcolm. Aletheia is guarded and unresponsive to his courtesy. The man welcomes the Princess to the Keep and asks her to dine with him. Aletheia does not eat and asks what he wants. She is able to remove one of her gloves and is anxious for a moment to touch him. Gilcolm responds that he wants her to be returned to Selene unharmed and if she cooperates she will be. After Gilcolm finishes eating, Altheia is taken to a lavish drawing room where the guards attempt to cuff her wrist to the mantlepiece. They undo her bindings and Aletheia immediately to swing at the face of one of the guards. She hits him and the guard is instantly knocked unconscious, falling to the floor.
Gilcolm and the other guards are taken aback by this. He looks at her suspiciously, commenting that she has quite a punch. Aletheia swings at him but he grabs her hand. Gilcolm looks at her curiously before tenderly removing a hair from her shoulder. He excuses himself and states that he hopes she enjoys her stay, he will visit with her soon. At this point, everyone is gone and Aletheia sits down on a seat and looks at her hands as they shake uncontrollably. Gilcolm begins to suspect something is amiss with her, something that may put a damper on his plan. He had no idea that she was a Champion, information he is surprised has eluded him.
aletheia antlers - winter, spring, summer, fall
Spiders and Darkness
After this, John and Michael had come to the keep to rescue Aletheia. They had infiltrated the Keep with John disguising himself as one of the mercenaries and feigning Michael’s capture. Michael is taken before the Lord of Faces, who demonstrates that he can Morph into an exact copy of the another. The Lord of Faces has completely altered his appearance to that of Michael’s. After this, the true Michael is taken to the dungeons. He is rescued by John who is beginning to feel out of his element. To better identify themselves if they are separated, John puts the blue dye on his hand. Michael intends to do the same but they are attacked by the guard and the dye is lost. They subdue the guard and make their escape from the dungeon. Despite John feeling overwhelmed, the two men begin to search for Aletheia.
Gilcolm has used his power to Morph into looking exactly like Michael. He did not anticipate Michael’s presence as he had originally intended to take the appearance of Aletheia to get closer to the King. However, it was a fortunate setback as Gilcolm has already begun to enact a new plan. He intends to deceive Aletheia into believing that he has come to her rescue and the two will return to Selene, allowing Gilcolm to infiltrate the Crescent Keep.
Gilcolm, enters the Drawing Room pretending to be Michael. Aletheia is shocked, believing that Michael came to rescue her. She greets him and Gilcolm convincingly deceives her. The princess asks how he was able to get into the Keep. Gilcolm unlocks her cuffs and states that he will explain later but now they need to leave. Right at this moment, John and the real Michael enter to find Aletheia standing with Gilcolm.
The real Michael draws a sword and tells Aletheia to get away from the imposter. He takes off his helmet to show his face. Gilcolm immediately tells Aletheia that this man is the impostor. He is the Lord of Faces who can shapeshift.
Aletheia is confused until John shows his face, claiming that he has come to rescue her. Aletheia recognizes that it is John and Gilcolm capitalizes on this, claiming that John was in on her kidnapping. Michael claims that it is a lie, but Gilcolm insists that the two men are impostors as they are in the mercenary garb, after all. Aletheia is apprehensive and unable to move until John shows her his hand and addresses her as Nadia. His palm is stained blue, from the dye that he bought, intending to give to Aletheia. He states that he went back that night to give it to her when he saw her being taken.
John understands that they don't truly know each other but he says that he came to rescue her so that maybe they will. He asks Aletheia to trust him. Aletheia begins to believe him and steps back from Gilcolm. The Lord of Faces is discouraged and Michael engages him with his weapon. He yells for John to get Alethiea out of there. John grabs her hand and begins to leave until soldiers come from down the hall. John and Alethiea attempt to cross through a ruined hallway that crumbles beneath them and they fall into an extravagantly decorated room. The Black Jester is there, surprised at their sudden intrusion. He is shirtless as he looks at a mirror while his mask is hung on the wall. John quickly grabs Aletheia and they run out in the confusion.
They end up in the main hall and are stopped as a portcullis falls in front of the exit. Michael calls for John as he catches up to them. John questions if it is really him. A voice echoes across the room as another Michael yells to John warning him that the Michael in front of him is a fake. John is unsure but Aletheia knows that he is the true Michael. John asks if she is sure. She can prove it and tells Michael that they once talked about their fears. She asks them both what they are afraid of. Gilcolm is silent. The real Michael says, spiders. She then asks what she is afraid of. He then replies that she is afraid of the dark. Aletheia says that she is sorry she was confused earlier, she knows who the true Michael.
Gilcolm sighs and mocks them saying that their sentimentality is sweet but it means nothing. He walks to the throne and states that despite their truth not one of them knows each other. His raven flies over and sits on his shoulder as several Trionfi guards enter from the passageways. The Black Jester also enters the throne room and begins to approach the group. He only had time to put on his mask and hood and his bladed glove.
Gilcolm taunts the trio stating that no one can truly know another. It is why his original plan never involved the Lunar Guardian. He only needed Aletheia so he could return to Selene claiming that she escaped herself. He would have infiltrated Selene without lifting a sword. No one would have known. Michael claims that he would have known. John agrees and states that he knows who Aletheia is. Gilcolm laughs and tells John that he knows who he is and asks him if he should tell the others who he truly is. John is silent. Gilcolm attempts to use the opportunity to sow doubt but Aletheia interjects and states that she knows who he is. He is her friend. She knows who her friends are and they know her.
He laughs that she would claim such a thing. She doesn’t know who the man to her left is and he wonders if she even knows who she is. He then asks Aletheia if she knows that she is not the true Princess of Selene.
Aletheia is taken aback by this and she asks him what he means. Gilcolm then states:
“I find great power in knowing. Do you know how I found you? A whisper that started over 10 years ago. A whisper of you.
You see I delve in the collection of rumors and rumors are the precursors to truth. They are living things. And like all living things they start as a seed. They are planted and fed and if given time, they grow into truth. I have found that all rumors have a sliver of truth to them. That sliver is the seed.
I once heard that the princess of selene walked the festival of the summer moon. When I heard it again the next year I knew it was true. She would hide herself and walk around at dusk. Did you know that some children would claim that they saw you simply because they hoped that they would. Did you know that?
Poor girl. It is a widely known rumor among your own people and you didn't know. I wonder what else eludes you.”
Michael reassures her that it isn't true. Aletheia isn’t sure and she tries to convince herself. She asks Gilcolm that if she isn’t the true Princess then how would she have received her Elven antlers. Aletheia proclaims that she is half elvish and received them from her mother who was a Faun Elf.
Gilcolm just laughs at this and asks her if she is sure, asking if she recalls ever seeing her mother's horns. Aletheia isn't sure herself anymore as she was only five when she died. Gilcolm then tells Donyel to bring the "naive Princess" to her. The Black Jester corrects him stating that his name is Donofrey. He then approaches the group.
John attacks the black Jester with his sword which hits the Jester's shoulder on the bare skin. The blade does not cut him though; it actually breaks the tip of the sword, the shard almost hitting John in the face. The Jester then grabs John and holds his knife to his throat.
Gilcolm then applauds John and states that the Black Jester, is a Champion that has the power of invulnerability and nothing can harm him. John taunts the Jester by asking why he needs Gilcolm if he is invulnerable, he can do as he pleases without consequence. Gilcolm ignores this and states that John's involvement was unexpected but tells the Jester to kill John Noble if Aletheia doesn't comply and come back to him. If she complies he will let John go. John tells her that he won't stay true to his word and for Michael to get her out of there.
Aletheia complies and the Black Jester attempts to reach for her but Aletheia uses her power of Seal and turns the Jester's forearm to Diamond. She is also a Champion, something only Michael knew of. Donofrey is overcome with pain and releases John Noble. The mercenaries draw their weapons but John then uses a sword to cut the rope to three candelabras that fall in front of Gilcolm. The last one crashes through the floor of the ruins causing part of the floor to cave in as well as much of the support structure.
As part of the Keep collapses, Aletheia directs them toward a floodgate but it becomes blocked with a large fallen stone. Michael begins to lift it proving that without a doubt he is immensely strong. Aletheia and John go through but before he is able to go through himself, Michael is stabbed in the back by the Black Jester. The Jester reminds Michael that his great strength is nothing if he is still Human. Michael drops the stone behind him and it falls on the Jester, and blocks the tunnel.
Michael lay in the tunnel as he bleeds. Aletheia and John are distraught as they comfort him. Michael apologizes to Aletheia, stating that he doesn’t think he can protect her anymore. He then tells John Noble that he believes that John would make for a fine High Champion. Despite having no powers, he is honorable and brave enough to inspire hope which is the real purpose behind High Champions. He tells them to look after each other as he dies. Michael's superhuman strength was something that did not make him invincible something that John Noble will always remember. He learns that all people including Champions, are still human despite their powers. Aletheia can barely stand but John states they have to go. He and Aletheia continue fleeing down the tunnel and escape through a waterway. They reach the end of the tunnel in the cliffside that opens into the river below them. They jump into the water and swim to the bank of the river.
The pair get out of the water and find the two horses waiting for them. As they ride off, Aletheia glimpses a raven and an arrow hits John in the shoulder causing him to fall from his horse. The Lord of Faces has caught up to them, still wearing the face of Michael. He gets off his horse and attempts fire again at John Noble but Aletheia stabs Gilcolm through the chest before he can attack John. He falls over the cliff and onto the rocks below. Aletheia is distraught by what she has done, and John tries to comfort her. He touches her hand but before she can pull it away, John falls asleep from her power. Aletheia holds an unconscious John for awhile as she tries to get through what has happened. She then is able to get John on the horse behind her and makes her way back to Selene.
Return to Selene
John awakes as the two of them ride back toward Selene. Aletheia is noticeably shaken by what has happened and John attempts to console her. He states that she did what she needed to and saved his life in the process. She remarks that maybe she did but he was the one to come save her. It is clear though that John was willing to come save Aletheia despite not knowing she was the Princess of Selene. Even when he thought she was a stable girl he came after her.
John is unsure about what happened and is more concerned with Aletheia. He mentions the fact that he should have realized that she was the princess but he did not realize that she was of Faun heritage. John is unfamiliar with Faun Elves, stating that his teacher was of Floran descent. Aletheia explains a little about Faun Elves and their antlers.
They pass the Grey Plains and Aletheia tells John some about what had happened there. John is familiar with the event but also rather cagey about the subject. He lets her tell him the history of what happened. John eventually reveals that his father died in the battle. Aletheia says that she is sorry. John states that it is alright. She asks his name and he tells her that he was no one she would have known. He was not a great hero in the battle. John never knew his father. He barely remembers his mother. However, he does have an heirloom of his father, a Golden Sun Medallion.
She admires the medallion and John compares it similarly to Aletheia having the statue of her mother to remember where she comes from. Aletheia then ponders what Gilcolm told her about her own heritage and if there is any truth to it but she keeps this to herself for now. John then states that it was a gift but perhaps one day it will be a gift for someone else. Aletheia smiles at this. It is clear that there is something more between them now but Aletheia changes the subject.
Before they reach the city, there is some talk about what happened with regards to Aletheia’s power. John was unaware that she is a Champion and Aletheia explains in some detail her ability as well as why it put him to sleep. He power affects Champions and Non Champions differently. This was why it affected the Black Jester as it did.
They return to the city at the edge of the forest where they are met by the guards from earlier. They are accommodating to Aletheia but are distrustful of John, asking where the Lunar Guardian is. Before they can explain, John is taken into custody to be brought before the King. Aletheia is taken to the Crescent Keep where a man in a gold vest calls out to Aletheia and walks hurriedly toward her. He is visibly relieved to see her and says nothing else as he holds her shoulders and hugs her warmly.
His nose begins to bleed as Aletheia responds immediately, worriedly pushing him away and asking what he is thinking. His name is Samuel Ward and he scolds her, telling him not to worry about him as he calmly takes a handkerchief to wipe the blood from his nose. He was worried about her and simply did not care about her power in that moment. He asks if she is alright. She states that she is thanks to John and Michael. Her voice cracks as she says Michael's name. Sam asks her about Michael and she can't bring herself to say what happened. Sam understands what has happened.
Soon after, Aletheia and John are then brought before King Marcus. John is questioned about what happened and becomes somewhat at odds with the Commander of the Crescent Shield. Aletheia tries to speak up for John but is silenced by the King. After getting to the bottom of what happened, the Commander is still distrusting of John. However, the King begins to give John his trust after John mentions a priest named Father Basildes. Basildes is a close friend to John and happens to also have a strong connection to the King.
He commends John for his bravery, thanking him for rescuing the Princess but is also saddened by the death of Michael. He tells John that if there is something he can do for him he need only ask. John tells the King that Father Basildes is part of why John is there. It was him that suggesting that he go on a pilgrimage to help him find his path. Now John only requests that he be allowed to stay within his court by serving the King. He then pledges himself to the King.
The King agrees to let John serve him but is unsure of in what capacity. Sam speaks up and says that John has done a great thing and states that he is a hero. Sam suggests to the King that John be the new High Champion to which Aletheia agrees. The King is initially taken with the thought but responds that John has no powers to be the High Champion. However, in the meantime, John will serve as a member of his Court, until they can find a new High Champion. John will be named a Royal Sentry and be the head of the Royal Guard of the Crescent Keep. He will also assist in keeping Aletheia within their walls. Aletheia is initially offended but the thought of having John at the Crescent Keep alleviates some concern.
The King states that public will not be immediately told of the Lunar Guardian’s death as it will begin to cause them to worry about the state of Veiland. Without a High Champion to protect them it may begin to lower their spirits. Sam is tasked with seeking out new Champions to possibly replace Michael as the High Champion.
The King meets with Aletheia after all of this but the King does not scold her or reprimand her. He only hugs her and says nothing. The princess cannot bring herself to say anything to him about what has transpired.
John is christened as the acting Sentry of the Crescent Keep and given a Guardsman Sword of which he has limited skill in using. He is also officially introduced to Samuel Ward who he will become fast friends with. Samuel Ward who is a scholar and researcher in the King's employ as the Alchemist of Selene. Sam researches Champions and has become an authority on Powers. This stems from a book that his mentor Heron Daima had found many years ago called the Shakti Manuscript. The mentor had acquired the manuscript in Miridian years prior which details certain aspects of Champions well before they were called Champions. The notebook is unknowingly the Journal of Simon Perish.
During the next few weeks, Aletheia and John Noble grow closer while he is the head of the Royal Guard at The Crescent Keep. Sam is revealed to also be a Champion in that his power can alter the chemical and elemental makeup of material which he has termed as Alchemy. Sam helped both Aletheia and Michael with much of their understanding of their powers which is how she was able to turn the Black Jester to Diamond.
The story of their escape is something Sam is very interested in and is fond of hearing of John's journey so far. It is here that Sam shows John his creation of Artifacts that will one day allow others to use the powers derived from Champions. Most of his research on Artifacts is continued from notes in the Journal. His mentor acquired the book shortly after the fall of the Empire Ensanguined. Sam acquired the Shakti Manuscript after his mentor’s death. Sam furthered his mentor’s research and created several Artifacts derived from his own Alchemy power. These Artifacts are not true Artifacts though, as they can only be used once before breaking the item and losing the power. He demonstrates it by allowing John to use one to change water into wine. John also notices that he has notes on the chemical makeup of several things including an explosive. The notes sit in front of a display that holds 3 gold coins.
As soon as John becomes accustomed to his role as the Royal Sentry, word comes to Veiland that the Southern Nation of Wisperad has come under attack and they have asked for Veiland's help to send the Lunar Guardian.
The King is compelled to help Wispread, which has long been Veiland’s ally, but is troubled that they have no High Champion to send. He fears the nation would be seen as weak if they don't send a High Champion to assist them. Furthermore, the Commander of the Crescent Shield has been sent to investigate the Star’s Edge of anything related to the Princess’s kidnappers. However, the King does not divulge this information, simply stating that the Commander has been sent on a King’s Order. John feels that since the abduction of Aletheia, Selene’s safety should be a higher priority despite The Lord of Faces and the Black Jester being dead.
John volunteers to go as a representative of the Crown. He will go and learn more about the situation first with a small regiment of knights while Veiland’s forces stay in Selene. He will send word if they will be needed. The King agrees to this and sends Sam Ward with them. Sam has previously been to Wisperad and met with the Sultan, years ago when he went with the King and the Lunar Guardian. John and Sam will represent the King as emissaries of Veiland.
After several days of preparation, John and Sam are given the Silver Nightfeather pin, signifying their status as respresentatives of Veiland. Aletheia sees John Noble and Sam at the Crescent Keep. She hugs both of them as they leave with the small company of Crescent Shield Knights, led by a man named Adam. After she sees them off Aletheia struggles with what has happened and remembers the words of Gilcolm. She has tried to ignore them but they have remained in her mind. Although Gilcolm implied that the King was not her true father, she could not bring herself to confront the issue to the King. She also cannot keep herself from wondering if there is any truth to Gilcolm's words.
In reality, Aletheia was not born of the King and Queen of Veiland. She is the daughter of the Empress Anahita and Simon Perish. The Empress of Gules was not assassinated as many believe but died in child birth and was then adopted by the King of Selene. This was the end of the Sanguine Empire which then became known as the Empire Ensanguined. Aletheia looks at the statue of the Queen and contemplates her situation and all that has happened.