key terms
This is the comprehensive list of every term that needs a description within the story.
Monad - The first being and creator of all things within Eternity, including the Aeons. Also known as The One or Tawhid in the South.
Eternity - The original Realm of Existence and the Eternal Realm of the Immortal Aeons. Created by the Monad for the Aeons. Initially, Eternity came into existence for the Aeons to worship the Monad.
Aeon - The First Children of the Monad. Aeons are allowed to enter the Diamond Realm as Souls and inhabit a newborne vessel. Aeons are essentially souls but the term Soul has a separate meaning as well. Aeons are called Anosharavan in the South. This differs from Souls which are called Zindarawan.
Sophia - One of the original First Children of the Monad. Creator of the Archons and subsequently Life itself. Sophia became restless in Eternity and requested that she be allowed to create something to honor the One. She created the Archons to assist her in the construction of a new Realm separate from Eternity. It was to be a mortal realm known as the Diamond Realm of Life. Sophia is known as Dina in the South. She is Parvati in the East. Her other titles and aliases include The Axis Mundi, The World Tree, The Sealing Maiden, and Acamoth.
Archons - Beings created by the Aeon Sophia to assist in the creation of a new realm to be called the Diamond Realm (Life), to experience the beauty of what the Monad could offer. After the new Realm was completed, the Archons opted to be turned to stone as Pure Shrines to continue to exist in the world they had created. They are the Children of Sophia. Known by many names including the Amesha Spenta (South).
Pleroma - The unique, supernatural powers held by the Archons that assisted in building the Diamond Realm. They could be considered the Divine Powers of the Archons or the Seven Archons themselves. These powers would later manifest in Souls as well, allowing the use of the Divine Powers. Those that can use these powers would come to be called Champions.
Diamond Realm - The Realm of the Living. Created by the Aeon Sophia to share the experience of the Beauty of the Monad. Essentially known as Life.
Womb Realm - The original Realm of Existence and the Eternal Realm of the Immortal Aeons. Created by the Monad for the Aeons. Eternity became known as the Womb Realm to those that knew of it's existence. To the living, the term falls out of common usage and is termed the Afterlife. This is because those in Life have long since forgotten that existence began in the Womb Realm. Also known as Eternity.
The Chinvat Bridge - The Chinvat Bridge was created as a means to access Life from Eternity. It is the connection to Life and Eternity. After the Prime Exodus, the Chinvat Bridge is hidden away and can only be found with the Chinvat Compass. It exists separately from the Ouroboros Gate but southerners often use the Chinvat Bridge as a general term for the connection between Life and Eternity that includes the Ouroboros Gate.
The Phoenix Gate - Created by the Aeon, the Demiurge. The Phoenix Gate is more of a beacon of light rather than a physical Gate. The Demiurge placed the Phoenix Gate in the Sun to allow Souls to be transported into newborne vessels. It is the point in the celestial sphere where Souls are allowed to enter the Diamond Realm. After the creation of Samsara, Souls are now cleansed and are stripped of all memories upon reincarnation into a newborne vessel.
Prime Exodus - After the construction of the Diamond Realm was completed Aeons were able to experience Life for themselves. However, they could only do so once. The love they held for Life and the Beauty of the Monad was too difficult to bare losing and they decided to leave Eternity by crossing the Chinvat Bridge despite lacking vessels. Some Aeons adapted and survived. Most perished and ceased to exist.
Sealing Rite - The ritual performed to create the Ouroboros Gate and seal off the Diamond Realm, thus separating it from the Womb Realm indefinitely. Sophia performed the ritual using a special Mirror that was capable of accessing the Akashic Record of Eternity. The Womb Realm was reflected into itself and the entirety of Eternal existence was sealed within the Gate. Sophia was never able to return to the Womb Realm.
Sophia's Mirror - The Mirror that was used in the Sealing Rite to seal away the Womb Realm into the Ouroboros Gate. Sophia had designed the Gate to be capable of being opened if Light from the Celestial Sphere was shined at the Gate with the Mirror. She opted never to do this however, and never opened the Gate herself. The Mirror could access to the Akashic Record, the History of the Universe, to see anything that she desired. Only a being with the power of Clairvoyance could use the Mirror to access the Akashic Record. Another name for it is the Akashic Mirror. The Sophia’s Mirror is considered an Akashic Relic.
The Ouroboros Gate - The Ouroboros Gate was created as a means to separate the two Realms of Life and Eternity after the Prime Exodus. She essentially sealed the Womb Realm within the Gate itself by performing the Sealing Rite. The Gate can only be opened by using the Akashic Mirror to shine Celestial Light into the Gate. The Gate itself will disappear when closed and be transported to one of four altars across the Diamond Realm that coincide with a cardinal direction. A side effect of this teleportation is that anything on the altars is also transported to one of the 7 Pure Shrines at random.
Gate of Eternity - The western name of the Ouroboros Gate that connects the Diamond Realm of Life to the Womb Realm of Eternity.
Pure Shrine - A stone statue that contains the essence of the Archons. There are seven Pure Shrines, one for each of the Archons that are scattered across the Diamond Realm. The locations of the shrines coincide with seven directions and were once used by the Archons to traverse the Diamond Realm. A side effect of closing the opened Ouroboros Gate, is that anything on the altar of the Gate is transported to one of these Pures Shrines.
Ogdoad - The term that loosely applies to the creators of Life that include the Archons and Sophia.
Sealing Maiden - The shape that Sophia adopts while livng in the Diamond Realm. She is depicted as a young girl with very long brown hair of different shades. She exists simultaneously in the Diamond Realm in this form as well as in Horizon, in the form of a tree. Sophia becomes the Sealing Maiden after creating the Ouroboros Gate to separate the Two Realms.
Axis Mundi - The shape that Sophia adopts within the realm of Horizon. She is depicted an unnaturally large tree. Souls are brought back to Horizon and met by Sophia who welcomes them home and gives them a choice of where their soul will be sent next, Heaven or Hell.
Samsara - The Cycle of Life created by the Monad to appease his restless Aeon children. An Aeon is transported into a newborne vessel as a Soul through the Phoenix Gate. They are then free to experience Life as they so choose. At a vessel's death, the Soul enters Horizon and travels to the Axis Mundi to be greeted by Sophia. The Soul is then given a choice of either Freedom or Purpose. Purpose sends the Soul to Heaven to permanently be with the Monad. Freedom sends the Soul to Hell as a Demon to await reincarnation and continue the Cycle of Samsara.
Soul - When the Diamond Realm was created by Sophia and the Archons, the Aeons required vessels to traverse Life. The Soul is the incorporeal form that an Aeon takes upon being sent to into the Living Realm to inhabit a newborne vessel and participate in the Cycle of Samsara. The Soul is a fragile entity and cannot exist for long in the Diamond Realm without a vessel. Souls are sent into a newborne vessel through the Phoenix Gate. Souls are called Zindarawan in the South.
The Trailokya - The regions of Eternity that include Heaven, Hell, and Horizon. Although Horizon is a separate plane of existence, it is considered part of the Trailokya as it exists outside of Life.
Horizon - A separate region that exists outside of the Diamond Realm and the Womb Realm. Horizon is separate from the Two Realms but it is considered part of Eternity within the Trailokya, as it exists as a corporeal plane outside of physical Life. It is often thought of as Limbo. Referred to as Hamistagan in the South, Rupaloka in the East.
Heaven - The world inhabited by souls seeking purpose. Souls that choose the Will of the Monad wish to find a purpose through servitude of a greater good. Souls that exist here are bound to Heaven and will never be reincarnated though they have special privileges in Eternity. Known as Arupaloka in the East. Garothoma in the South.
Angels - At a vessel's death, the Soul enters Horizon and travels to the Axis Mundi to be greeted by Sophia. The Soul is then given a choice of either Freedom or Purpose. If they wish for Purpose, the Soul returns to the Womb Realm and the Aeon becomes an Angel. Angels are then sent to Heaven to enact the Will of the Monad. Angels are unfeeling and permanently reside in Heaven. Angels are called Ahuras in the South. Deva in the East (oddly similar to the term for Demon in the South).
Will of the Monad - The philosophy of existence that is adopted by the Angels. It involves worship through serving and loving the Monad in faith and order. The Will of the Monad stresses that a soul should have Purpose above all else. Being given a purpose will set one free. Only through Purpose can a soul achieve peace.
Hell - The plane of existence where souls are sent for freedom. Souls that have chosen to follow the Will of the Monad and wish to return to Life will dwell in Hell until it is time for their reincarnation. The time spent here is not a punishment but those that exist in Hell long enough begin to see it that way. Known as Kamaloka in the Far East. Known as Dozakh in the South.
Demons - At a vessel's death, the Soul enters Horizon and travels to the Axis Mundi to be greeted by Sophia. The Soul is then given a choice of either Freedom or Purpose. If they wish for Freedom, the Soul returns to the Womb Realm and the Aeon becomes an Demon. Demons are then sent to Hell to await reincarnation into Life to once again seek the Beauty of the Monad. Demons are emotional beings that wish to return to Life above all else. Demons are called Daevas in the South. Rakshasa in the East.
Beauty of the Monad - The philosophy of Life that is adopted by the Demons. It stresses worship through experiencing the love and the pain that is inherent in Life. The Beauty of the Monad stresses that a soul should have Freedom above all else. The freedom to choose will reveal a purpose. Only through freedom can a soul find peace.
Oblivion - When the first Souls initially returned to the Womb Realm, they desired to return to Life and crossed the Chinvat Bridge without vessels. Life is caustic to the Aeons and the light of the sun would begin to destroy their ephemeral forms. Aeons that expire without vessels are not sent to Horizon and cannot reach the Womb Realm, but they cease to exist. This non existence could be considered Oblivion. Oblivion may not be a place or exist at all as nothing returns from non existence. Aeons that are obliterated are lost forever and memories of them fade as well. Another name for Oblivion is Kenoma or Sheol.
Kenoma - The term used to describe the nothing that may or may not exist outside of the known Realms or the Trailokya. It could be thought of as Oblivion where there is nothing and nothing exists. Souls that expire without vessels are not sent to Horizon but cease to exist and non existence can be termed Kenoma. There is no returning from Kenoma and a soul is lost forever including any remnants of memories.
Akashic Record - The record of all existence that is known and unknown within the Realms and outside of them. It could be considered the consciousness of existence. An anomaly that cannot be adequately explained is the ability of the Akashic Record to also have knowledge of what can be considered the future. This would suggest that certain aspects of Life have been preordained or destined. There is no entity save for the Monad that may know of any truth to this.
Relics - The general term used to refer to objects known as Akashic Relics. The Akashic Relics are ancient objects imbued with unknown mystical powers. These objects vary but are often created by either Aeonic or Archons entities, the original beings of Eternity. Known Relics include Sophia’s Mirror, the Ashavan Seal and the Chinvat Compass which was later remade as the Key of Abraxas. These Relics contain various abilities that are often associated or derived from the Pleroma, the powers of the Archons, which is where powers of Champions happen to come from. Sophia’s Mirror for instance can be used to locate various souls across great distances and in the right hands can even show the person who they want to see. The Ashavan Seal, similarly, is used to locate the Chinvat Bridge.
Chinvat Compass - The Device used to access that Chinvat Bridge that leads to Life. After the Prime Exodus, the Chinvat Bridge was hidden and because of the natural flux of Eternity, does not exist in a specific location. The Chinvat Compass was created by another Aeon named Abraxas as a means to locate the Chinvat Bridge if necessary. It was mainly created as a means of comfort for Abraxas who fell in love with Sophia during his one and only time in Life. Abraxas felt a longing for Sophia that never faded but created the compass as a means of reaching the Diamond Realm, despite never being allowed to use it. The Chinvat Compass is considered a Relic.
Key of Abraxas - The form that Abraxas seals himself in to create as second Chinvat Compass. He is convinced by Anahita to help her return to Life despite the illegality and danger of doing so. Abraxas was confined to the form of a large structure resembling a castle when Anahita and another demon came to him. After being convinced to help her, he seals himself into a new compass that can lead and open the way to the Chinvat Bridge. The Key of Abraxas takes the form of a sword that cuts through the darkness to lead the way to the bridge. After Anahita betrays her demon companion, she then stabs him with the Key of Abraxas which becomes lodged in his chest and unable to be removed. The Key of Abraxas is considered a Relic.
Aether Powers
Divine Powers
Champion - It is not agreed upon whether Champions inherit the Cardinal Virtue of Justice, Divinity or Humility, as most people believe them to be one or all of these things which is why they are revered. High Champions deliver Justice and Champions in general represent Humility by making others humble. There are those still that see Champions as Divine beings but this was discouraged among those that created the term. Commonfolk often represent Temperance, Knights represent Fortitude and the Church represents Prudence.
High Champion
Shakti Manuscript - Original notes written by Simon Perish, detailing his methods for creating artifacts as well as known powers of Champions up until that point in time. It came under the possession of the Alchemist Heron Daima at the end of the Sanguine Empire before coming to Sam Ward.
Paragon - The initial term for Champions that fell out of favor when it was considered that Paragon evoked a higher being that was more than Human. The point was to refrain from making those with powers as something supernatural and feared. People with powers were then called Champions.
Virtues - The names of the abilities that Champions could possessed before they were called gifts or simply powers. This term also fell out of favor.
Rogues Gallery
The Gold Griffin
The Miridian Catapult
The Champion Coalition
Commonfolk - Those that are not Champions. Often referred to as Commoner or Gentry by some. This was done so that those with powers are not seen as anything more than Human, just a higher class of person.
Locations and Setting
Auro - The official cartographical term for the West and the Western Kingdoms.
Aurelian - The language that the story is written in and what the main characters speak of the west. This is distinguished by the other languages that are spoken of the other nations, such as Zend in the South. The Aurelian language is derived from the nation of Auro and is most closely to resemble Latin. When the characters write something that is not interpreted by the story or themselves, the text will be written in Latin and the characters will understand it. For all intents and purpose, it is essentially English, though I did not want to use that name for their language.
Selene - The capital city of Veiland.
Skyvale - A small settlement for villagers that work in the farmland outside of Selene. It has several dwellings and shops as well as other amenities for travelers coming from the east.
Fields of Moonlight - The wide open expanse of uncultivated grassland that surrounds Selene. It is past the farmland reaching to the Forest of Ventia to the South. The terrain is not ideal for crops but the gold grass seems to brighten with the moonlight.
Veil Road - Road extending out from Skyvale and east of Selene. The road leads past farmland and into the Bastion Forest. By traveling the road, it will extend towards the east with crossroads leading south to Ophelia. There was once a road that connected to the Star’s Edge but has fell out of use.
Star's Edge - A keep built into the side of a mountain east of Selene. It was built long ago as a fortress for Selene but becomes used as an outpost for travelers during the time of Anahita's Occupation of Veiland. She is pregnant and delivers Aletheia inside of the keep right before she dies. After the Grey Plains incident, the keep is abandoned and the road leading to it from the Veil Road falls out of use.
Ruined Keep - The name of Star's Edge after the collapse at the hands of John Noble and company.
Bastion Forest - The name of the forest that served as an entryway to Selene from the east. It was flanked to the north and south by mountains that enclosed the forested valley. It was the site of a battle that was fought by The Crescent Shield and the approaching Phoenix Scepter.
Grey Plains - The name of what used to be Bastion Forest after the Battle of the Grey Plains when it was leveled by the Shimmering Knight. Ash covers the crater and the plains surrounding it. The surviving trees that dot the landscape grow strangely.
The Westwing - The westernmost region of Veiland that touches the ocean.
The Talon - The center region of Veiland. Selene is located at the south end of the mountains.
The Eastwing - The easternmost region of Veiland.
Ophelia - A town to the east of Selene. Ophelia lies at the edge of what is considered the Talon region of Veiland. East of Ophelia is the Eastwing of Veiland.
Silvayne Manor - The manor of Velu of Charis that governs Ophelia and the lands surrounding it.
Spring Road - Road connecting the Auster Road to Ophelia.
Aquila Road - Road leading North of Selene.
Auster Road - Road leading South of Selene.
Zephyr Road - Road that leads west from the Auster Road. It is connected just before the Forest of Ventia. Traveling east will require traveling through the Mazarine Mountains.
Forest of Ventia. Forest south of Selene. Further past this forest leads to the Monos Cathedral and the Spring Road that leads east. Further south leads to the edge of the forest and the southern border of Veiland.
Crescent Keep - The Royal Palace of Selene and the home of King Marcus I, Queen Theia, and Princess Aletheia.
White Gardens - The Royal Cemetery behind the Crescent Keep. It differs from the cemetery outside of the city, the Blue Havens, in that only those of Veiland Royalty are laid to rest here. There is an exception made for Michael Mithose after his death for his service to the crown as the Lunar Guardian .
Moon Palace
Crystal Chamber
Istoria -
Lenore -
Miridian - The largest nation of the west, Miridian has had the most tumultuous history in regards to stability. As such Miridian has become something of a melting pot of cultures and peoples. Because of the Empress’s occupation of Helena, there is a large population of Southern peoples. Because of the Emerald King’s current rule over the nation, there is also a large population of Eastern peoples as well. Despite the Emerald King being Floran, there is an abundance of Fauna in Miridian, more so than other western nations.
Helena - The capital city of Miridian.
Grace - Grace is the western region of Miridian as well as the town of the same name. The location of the town of Grace rests on the borders of Veiland, Istoria, and Miridian. It is considered a border crossing town. Grace used to be part of Istoria until Miridian was taken by the Empress of Gules.
Charis - Charis is the region east of Helena that touches the eastern border of Miridian as well as the border of what is considered the West. Past Charis is the Eastern Provinces that are governed by dynast kings and queens. The regions of Fauna and Flora are also located in the east but because of their proximity to Charis, there is an abundance of Faun Elves and Florans that reside in the east region of Miridian. Charis also has a small town of the same name.
Aglaea - Aglaea is the northern region of Miridian. This is where the capital city of Helena is located. Helena was once called Aglaea but was renamed Helena after the first occupation of the Grand King. Aglaea the city has long been forgotten but the region itself retains the name.
Cale - Cale is the southernmost region of Miridian. The region of Cale also has a small village of the same name.
Gainsborough - A small village that sits near the border of Miridian and Veiland.
Afris -The official cartographical term for the South and the Southern Nations.
Masyana - Previously, one of the three major kingdoms in the southern nations along with Vendihad and Wisperad. It was ruled by the Sultan of Light before his death at the hands of Victor Noble.
Vendihad - One of the three major kingdoms in the southern deserts along with Masyana and Wisperad. It was ruled by the Great Shah of Vendihad before being ruled by the Mourning Queen, Anahita.
Valley of Masya - The capital city of Masyana before it was razed by the Phoenix Scepter and the Shimmering Knight. After the Sultan of Light was killed, it’s people fled to various parts of the desert. The ruined city of Masya became a desert wasteland called the Valley of Masya.
Wisperad - The largest sultanate in the southern deserts. that stretches east to the nation of Masyana
Kivarenah - Royal City of Wisperad. The seat of the Sultan is the Palace of Asha
Palace of Asha - The royal palace of the Sultan of Kivarenah
Avestan - Ancient scripture of the South. Written in what is the ancient avestan alphabet called Din Dabireh, the scripture would later be interpreted differently by what would be the Majai and the Farsee priests.
Zend - Language of the South.
Yasna - The liturgical text of the South. The Majai practitioners would adhere to the Yasna scripture.
Gathas - The liturgical text of the South. The Farsee practitioners would adhere to the Gathas scripture
Ahuna Vairya - Avestan prayers
Jabal al-Tarif
Naga Madi
Atar Canyon
Temple of Sight
Tower of Silence
Abode of Song
Rig Veda - The liturgical text of the East
Asio - The official cartographical term for the East and the Eastern Provinces.
Arkio- The official cartographical term for the North and the Northern Marches.
John Noble
Aletheia of Selene
King Marcus
Arthur Ages - The valiant former Commander of the Crescent Shield. He fought the Shimmering Soldier and nearly defeated him before succumbing to his own injuries. He was killed in the incident of the Grey Plains.
Phillip Ages - The current Commander of the Crescent Shield and brother to Arthur Ages. He holds a deep hatred for Champions after being only one of two witnesses to the Grey Plains. He does not trust Michael Mithose and merely tolerates Aletheia because of her status.
Michael Mithose - The good natured High Champion of Selene. Known as the Lunar Guardian, Michael was the first person to be anointed as High Champion in the West.
The Lunar Guardian - The title of the first High Champion of Selene. The Lunar Guardian of Veiland does not hide his face or his name and is known to many as Michael Mithose.
Father Basildes -
Samuel Ward
Morgana Mithose
Susanna Mithose
Owen Mithose - A scholar and inventor that is also the father of Michael, Susanna, and Morgana. A charming man, Owen has fathered his three children with three different women. His first wife passed, the second woman he left, and the third woman left him. His two daughters came to him of their own will.
Adam Ages - The newly appointed Seneschal to the High Commander of the Crescent Shield. The son of Arthur Ages, the hero that stood against the Shimmering Knight in the field. Adam is the nephew to Phillip Ages but does not share his hatred for Champions. Adam feels unsure of his worth in his position, seeing as he received it based on the merits of his father and house. However, he also feels a responsibility to live up to his fathers legacy, much like John does.
Sultan of Adar - Also known as the Sultan of White Fire or the White Sultan
Prince Ardashir
Prince Ardavan
Princess Farava - The young Sultanah or Princess of Kivarenah
Elahei - The caretaker and personal guard to Princess Farava.
Vizier Hashimed
Gilcolm Greve -
The Lord of Faces -
Donyel Greve -
Donofrey -
The Black Jester -
The Pyromancer
The Weird Whisperer
The Strange Man
The Ghost of Miridian
Arka Mitra - This is what the Surya Guru came to call the man that would become Simon Perish. It is a moniker that means friend of the Sun and not truly a name.
Simon Perish - The name given to Arka Mitra after he had forgotten his true name. It was given to him by the Empress of Gules but the name Simon came from Prince Sigh from a story that he enjoyed. It is what Simon sees as his true name from there after.
The Djinn - Simon Perish was referred to as the Djinn by the young princess of Wisperad after Simon forced his way into the Palace and abducted the Sultan. The Djinn used a power that blasted a hole in the Palace walls and decimated part of the city when claiming the Sultan. The princess was able to make her escape before this happened and witnessed it from afar. The Djinn then made his way back to the Drauga hideout in the mountains with the Sultan, although he still needed the Circle of Urvan key to open the way to the Chinvat Bridge. Only after destroying the Shivan Scimitar and nearly killing the Simurgh does the Sultan comply and agree to assist them in opening the Abode of Song.
Edward Crowley - The alias that Simon Perish adopted after the Empress of Gules was returned to life. He used the alias after Anahita claimed to not remember him and the name Simon Perish.
Richard Dance - The alias that Simon Perish adopts after the destruction of Selene and the intervening years where he and Anahita begin to search for and imprison all Champions.
Anahita - A young Farsee woman from the South. She is the wife of the Great Shah of Masyana who becomes much more after her husbands death.
The Mourning Queen - The mother Prince Sigh and widow to the Great Shah. She becomes the new ruler of the Masyana, eventually deciding to move north and expand her kingdom, creating the Sanguine Empire. She uses the guidance of a Soothsayer named Yahaida to find a man named Victor Noble. Together they stop Vendihad from taking over Masyana with Vendihad being destroyed in the process.
The Empress of Gules - After building the Sanguine Empire the Mourning Queen becomes the Empress of Gules. She then takes her forces northward along with the Soothsayer Yahaida and Victor Noble, the Shimmering Knight. The title that she holds until her death in childbirth at the Star's Edge keep.
The Ensanguined Empress - The derogatory name given to the Empress of Gules after her death and the disbanding of her Sanguine Empire. Upon her return to life, Anahita adopts the name officially after regaining her lost power and returning to Miridian to reclaim the throne.
Angra Manyu - The name given to Anahita after return to life and receiving her first Champion power. She is prophesized to lead the Farsee to the Promised Land and bring about peace to all people.
Victor Noble - The man that would become the Shimmering Knight and father to John Noble. He was discovered the the Mourning Queen in a prison near Masyana with the help of the Soothsayer. After being nursed back to health he finds he is able to unleash blasts of Destructive white light. After using it to destroy the nearby kingdom of Vendihad, he becomes the Shimmering Knight. Afterward, he begins to question his morals but eventually meets and falls in love with Rene Berrington who helps him cope.
The Shimmering Knight - The alias of Victor Noble. After destroying Vendihad with his power of Destruct, he becomes a rumored figure that strikes fear in others. He is used only once more in a skirmish that levels the enemy forces and causes immediate surrender. Because no other country could hope to match this power, the Empress's regime becomes the hegemonic Sanguine Empire. The Shimmering Knight becomes the tool of destruction that allows the Empress of Gules to assimilate countries without force, only through displays of his awesome power.
Yahaida - A young Masyanie girl that comes to the Mourning Queen to help her become the Empress of Gules. Not much is known about her past only that she came from the deserts to aid in the rise of the Red Empress. Yahaida had a mysterious power that allowed her to read the past as if reading a book. She could also see a possible future as if remembering a dream. This power proved valuable to Mourning Queen and Yahaida became the Soothsayer.
The Soothsayer - The Soothsayer obtained her power of Sight (Clairvoyance) by consuming the Haoma, the sacred root of Yasna.
Rene Berrington
Ingrid Dering
Greta Thayne
Cybil Waites
Emma Barnes
Shardry Hail
Norma Gardinne
Alastair Chant
Hyte - The adopted name of Haylen Wright. Haylen was on the way to propose to the girl that he loved when his foot fell into a hole in the road. At that same moment, a horse-drawn carriage had gotten loose from its coachmen. Haylen was unable to get free in time and was trampled by the runaway carriage. The girl that he wanted to propose to, found the letter he was to give her. She also found the small gold medallion meant as an engagement gift. Her name was Rene Bennington. Haylen had believed strongly in fate and destiny until his death. If fate meant for him to die then that meant he was trapped in a life not of his making. He now longed to be free of the shackles of what he considered a meaningless death. He was sent to Hell to find that Freedom. In the Afterlife, Haylen was unable to let go and desired above all else to return to Life. Unable to wait for his reincarnation he opted to find a way out instead. He discovered a possible way by stealing an Akashic Relic called the Chinvat Compass. He failed, however, when he discovered that the Gate of Eternity cannot be opened from the Afterlife. Cast down by the Angels, Haylen was disfigured and his reincarnation was postponed indefinitely. He forgot his name until Anahita sought him out looking for a way to escape as well. He could only remember part of his name which became Hyte. There was little he remembered of himself, however, he never forgot Rene and still desired to be with her.
Seraphina - The ancient Angel that was tasked with two others to pass judgement on the Demon that used the Chinvat Compass. Angels themselves have no names for each other and merely refer to each other as Brother or Sister. For this reason, Seraphina had no name initially as her death was around 1000 years prior to the story. The girl that would become Seraphina was a slave in the east with her sister. The sisters had found an opportunity to escape captivity and fled from their slave masters. In their journey for freedom, it came to the point that only one sister would be able to make it. The girl that would become Seraphina sacrificed herself so that her sister could escape captivity. Upon her death, the slave girl wished above all else that her death was not in vain. She no longer wished for freedom. Only that her death for her sister had purpose. She was then sent to Heaven to fulfill her Purpose. Through the course of the story she receives the name of Seraphina from Aletheia.
Heron Daima - Alchemist of Selene for many years. Samuel Ward’s mentor and the one that originally found the Shakti Manuscript at Miridian. He was killed in an alchemical accident that used Sam’s powers to turn lead into gold. The accident also left Sam burned on his left hand. From then on, Sam opted to never use his alchemy for personal gain or for the monetary reward.
Goelin Theyuwa - Known as the Sand Spider, the witch that was the caretaker of Yahaida who regarded her as her grandmother. She was killed by Yahaida after the girl found out that the witch had killed her real mother.
Sand Spider - The alias of the witch Goelin Theyuwa for many years before her death at the hands of her apprentice.
Zamya - The Majai priestess that took the Circle of Urvan to the nation of Wisperad at the request of the Mourning Queen.
The Simurgh: The Yazata, or High Champion of Wisperad. The Simurgh was originally capable of controlling the fire using the power of Pyromancy. However, he was a drunk that ended up burning to death in a fire of his own making. The second Simurgh is named Vahuma. He has the power of Aeromancy.
Vahuma: The true name of the Simurgh, the Yazata of Wisperad.
Azar Keivan
Hasan al-Hazen
Knights of the Crescent Shield - An Order of Knights and royal military force that serve and protect the Kingdom of Veiland. Ranks of knights in the Western Kingdoms often order as Knight, Chevalier, and High Commander. The Chevalier rank was a general term that included of the Marshal, Turcopolier and Seneschal, which were all of similar rank. Various infantrymen were titled by specialty and ranged from light to heavy. Sword Bearers, Bowmen, Shield Guards, and Halberdiers were the main infantry forces of the Crescent Shield. Standard Bearers would carry the banners that would indicate tactics among other functions. Arthur Ages was the High Commander during the Battle of the Grey Plains, with his brother Phillip acting as the Seneschal. During the Siege of Selene, Phillip had become the High Commander while the Seneschal, Adam Ages was not present for the battle.
Knights of the Honorem Praesidio - An Order of Knights and royal military force that serve and protect the Kingdom of Istoria. Rank and infantry titles were similar to the Crescent Shield, as was standard in the west. Swordsmen, Archers, Shieldsman, and Lancers were the main infantry of the Gold Gauntlet. Bannermen would carry the banners that would indicate tactics among other functions.
Knights of the Axis Cruciger - An aging Order of Knights and royal military force that used to serve and protect the Kingdom of Miridian. Ranks of knights in Miridian differed slightly from others. The order of rank was the Knight, Legionnaire, and Grand Master. The Legionnaire rank was a general term that included of the Marshal, Turcopolier and Master-at-Arms, which were all of similar rank. Miridian itself has undergone various changes throughout the years as rulers of the Central Kingdom have risen and fallen. The Axis Cruciger became assimilated into the Phoenix Scepter after the Empress of Gules took over the kingdom. When the Empress died, the Phoenix Scepter was disbanded with many of the Masyani people abandoning the order and attempting to return to the south. Some that were previously Axis Cruciger, either became mercenaries called Trionfi or reenlisted as knights of the Verdant Cross.
Knights of the Verdant Cross - Those loyal knights that served the Miridian Crown above the ruler, became Knights of the Verdant Cross, after the Empress’s death. When the Emerald King became the ruler of Miridian, the previous army of the Phoenix Scepter was disbanded to become the Verdant Cross. Those Axis Cruciger knights that opted for the old ways or simply did not want to serve a Floran Elf, left the order. They became mercenaries called Trionfi.
The Trionfi - The order of mercenaries that grew from the remnants of the Axis Cruciger knights after the Empress’s death. The Trionfi soon came to follow a loyalist named Gilcolm Greve. Gilcolm claimed to strive for the return the Kingdoms to the time even before the Grand King Zhunar, where there was only one ruling kingdom. One without foreign Empires or Elven rulers. However, Gilcolm only truly represented himself and wished to become the ruler of the Kingdoms. The first order was to incite a war between the three nations of Veiland, Istoria and Miridian, by enacting a plan that will involve the kidnapping of the Princess of Selene.
Rising of the Red Phoenix - The unofficial term of the decade long span of time when the Sanguine Empire moved from the south, conquered much of the east, then set it’s sights on the west. The period ended with the death of Anahita and the Battle of the Grey Plains.
Sanguine Empire - The name of the regime that The Mourning Queen creates upon the destruction of Vendihad.
Knights of the Phoenix Scepter - The order of the royal warriors that serve the Sanguine Empire and the Empress of Gules. Previously the Black Scepter under the rule of the Great Shah in Vendihad. After the Empress’s death, the Phoenix Scepter was disbanded. Some remained in Miridian and served the new Emerald King as Knights of the Verdant Cross. However, they still remained loyal to the Empress and Vendihad. Those that left Miridian, then settled in a place called Hatam. Although Anahita’s regime was known as the Sanguine Empire, it was unofficially termed the Red Phoenix, however this distinction was not in reference to the Phoenix Scepter army.
Empire Ensanguined - The derogatory term used to describe the Sanguine Empire after the death of the Ensanguined Empress.
Yazata: Southern term for High Champion, with Yazad being the general term for Champion.
The Shivan Scimitar: The southern Warriors of Wisperad.
Ravashi: The female Royal Guard of the Palace of Asha.
Drauga - Followers of Azhi Dahaka are known as the bandit group the Drauga. Nearly 40 strong, the thieves had been around for much longer than their leader Azhi Dahaka who came to lead the group some time before the end of the War of Two Flames. The woman Burzine Mir and the man Vahuma were part of the bandit group when they fell in love. However, Vahuma had become disillusioned with their methods and had a falling out with the bandit group that led to Azhi Dahaka’s death and Burzine Mir coming to lead them as the Zahhak. Vahuma then left the bandits to find his own way, leading him to become the second Simurgh in Kivarenah. The Drauga are thieves that often ambush travelers of the Red Canyons and it is for this reason that travel between Veiland and Wisperad had become treacherous through the Red Canyons. Travel to Kivarenah took weeks longer by way of the Auster Road but was much safer.
Vireshta: Warriors of Masyana. They served as escorts and accompanied the Farsee Priests to the Masyana trading outpost to meet the Djinn. The Farsee Priests were there to witness the Djinn lead them to Estahker and extend the Chinvat Bridge to resurrect the Ahura Mazda and lead their people to the Promised Land. The Vireshte originally fought for Masyana and were among the warriors that were almost wiped out by the Shimmering Knight. The only ones that were left, traveled with their people to Hatam, where they stayed for nearly 35 years (10-15 for the Rising of the Red Phoenix, and 18 after the death of Empress.) By the time that the Saoshyant was discovered that would help to free the Ahura Mazda, most Vireshta that fought in the War of Two Flames, were no longer warriors. The Vireshta during this time were younger, sons of the original Vireshta. They were not born or children by the time their people came to Hatam, therefore, none remembered the Empress of Gules or the Phoenix Scepter. This is important, as it is the Vireshta that will become the new Phoenix Scepter for Anahita after she is resurrected. The warriors will not know that she is the one that destroyed their home in the first place all those years ago.
Light of Ahva - The oldest order of Gatekeepers that protected the secrets of the Chinvat Bridge and of Eternity. The order was most prevalent in the Southern Nations. At some point, followers of the Light of Ahva began to divide with their beliefs differing as well. The order split apart with some following the doctrine of the Star of Tanu and the Circle of Urvan. These secret orders differed from the common religious sects of the time and did not follow Gathas or the Yasna. The Star of Tanu order became known as the Majai while the Circle of Urvan order became the Farsee. The Farsee would thrive in Masyana for some time until the Great Shah's death that saw their most prominent city become destroyed by the Shimmering Knight. This ended the generation long conflict called the War of Two Flames. After Masyana was all but destroyed, the Farsee became less abundant, eventually falling into obscurity. Most fled the lands of Masyana and settled elsewhere. Because of this the Majai followers began to become more prevalent in Wisperad and the Farsee became relegated to the small settlement of Hatam. The Sultan of Wisperad was once a priest of the Majai known as the Dastur.
The Ashavan Seal - The Relic that was made by an unknown entity to seal away the Chinvat Bridge. The Seal of Asha or Ashavan Seal was a key shaped like a star, encircled by a ring. The Seal was split in two long ago when the doors to the Chinvat Bridge were sealed away and the two key fragments became the Circle of Urvan and the Star of Tanu. These two key fragments became the basis for the orders of the Farsee and Majai, respectively. When the two keys are combined, they are able to display a map of light that shows the way to the location of the Chinvat Bridge. Separately, the two objects are only that, objects. The Ashavan Seal, and more specifically, the Circle of Urvan, played an important part in the War of Two Flames.
Circle of Urvan- When the order of the Light of Ahva began to split, the path to he Chinvat Bridge was sealed. Two key fragments of the Ashavan Seal were made and the Circle of Urvan went to the Majai priests. The Majai believed more in the souls connection to the afterlife and that Ahura Mazda will be reborn in the body of a child and destroy the evil Angra Manyu that will seek to divide the world. The Circle of Urvan was initially held in Vendihad but eventually made its way to the nation of Wisperad.
Majai - The Majai are those of the sacred order that protects the secrets of the Ouroboros Gate in the South. The Majai priests received the key called the Circle of Urvan. They eventually settled in a nation called Vendihad. Priests of the Majai order are the few that know where the Ouroboros Gate resides as well as the secrets of how to access it in the holy city of Estahker. They believed more in the souls connection to the afterlife and that Ahura Mazda will be reborn in the body of a child and destroy the evil Angra Manyu that will seek to divide the world. The Majai became the primary religious order in Wisperad and surrounding settlements.
Mobed: Highest Majai Priests.
Star of Tanu - When the order of the Light of Ahva began to split, the path to the Chinvat Bridge was sealed. Two key fragments of the Ashavan Seal were made and the Star of Tanu went to the Farsee practitioners. The Farsee believed more in the body's connection to the soul and that the benevolent Angra Manyu will instill change to save the world and lead them to the Promised Land.
Farsee - The Farsee are those of a sacred order, that protects the secrets of the Ouroboros Gate in the South. The Farsee priests received the key called the Star of Tanu. They eventually settled in a nation called Masyana. Priests of the Farsee order are the few that know where the Ouroboros Gate resides as well as the secrets of how to access it in the holy city of Estahker. However, much of their history was lost to them after the destruction of Masyana. They believed more in the body’s connection to the soul and that the benevolent Angra Manyu will instill change to unite the world and lead them to the Promised Land. The Farsee became the primary religious order in Vendihad and surrounding areas, such as the city of Hatam.
Dastur: Highest Farsee Priests
Mandala of Two Realms - The second oldest order of Gatekeepers that protected the secrets of the Ouroboros Gate and of Eternity. The Mandala was most abundant in the Eastern Provinces.
Apocrypha of Terra - The most recent order of Gatekeepers that protected the secrets of the Ouroboros Gate and of Eternity. The Apocrypha had only been founded within the last 100 or so years. It is speculated that teachings from the Mandala of Two Realms were brought to the west by a holy practitioner named Arka Mitra but this cannot be confirmed. The Apocrypha is directly associated with the Sophicrucian church, and while it is sacred order of monastic disciplines, the order itself is not a religion of the west. It is an exclusive, almost secretive order within the church. In many ways, it is built on the knowledge that the Afterlife not something to be taken on faith, when the reality is that it is a very real place.
Sophicrucianism - The most practiced religion of the western kingdoms. The Sophicrucian ideology is steeped in the worship of the Monad and the revered figure of Sophia. Practitioners are Sophicrucians.
Ogdoadism - The second oldest religion in the western kingdoms. Practioners are the Ogdoadists.
Pleromysticism - A religion of the western kingdoms that fell out of practice long ago. Practioners were the Pleromystics.
The World Soul - Also called The World Mother or the Anima Mundi. Known to the ancient beings of Life as the the Diamond Realm itself.
Prima Materia - What was considered by alchemists to be the first matter. Simon Perish initially thought that the Prima Materia is the blood of humans. This is the reason for the blood as a necessary ingredient in the creation of what would become the Resonating and Empowered Artifacts. However, this was not the whole truth. The reality that even eluded Simon Perish at the time was that the Prima Materia is not just blood. A human is the Prima Materia. Not the ingredients of a human, but an actual human vessel. It is the reason the Shimmering Knight was killed in the creation of the Resonating Artifact. The transmutation of a pure Resonating Artifact will kill the host that holds it by taking their vessel.
Angra Manyu
Ahura Mazda
Ameretat - Immortality. What Anahita intends to accomplish by destroying Samsara. Though most believe it is for herself, she wishes to grant immortality to everyone in Life.
Gahanbar - The Midgreen Festival celebrated in Kivarenah
Runé - Currency of Miridian accepted everywhere. Denominations are Gold, Silver, Bronze.
Sharde - Currency of Veiland. Not accepted in Miridian. Denominations are Gold, Silver, Copper.
Zwill - Currency of Istoria. Not accepted in Miridian.
Sacre - Old currency not often used. Replaced by Sharde. Still has value. Used later to create Artifacts. Most commonly made from Electrum.
Indara - Currency of Wisperad. Accepted in Veiland.
Masa - One of the currencies of the East.