empress of gules - after death of sigh
The Central Pillar
Meridian is the Kingdom that is closest to the Eastern Provinces but is considered part of the Western Nations. The capital of Meridian, Helena, is located at what appears to be the center of the map which is why it is referred to as the Central Pillar. Helena is the seat of The Elder King Ulster, the current ruling Monarch of Meridian. Empress Anahita sought to take the throne of Meridian, by taking the Grand Castle of Helena.
The Soothsayer would advise the Empress to leave Meridian for later and continue her expansion of the East by taking Moghasiddi and Ashobya. Simon Perish would advise the Empress to move west toward Meridian. The Central Pillar would supplement the Empire’s power and provide the Empress with the resources to then overtake both the west and the east. The Soothsayer seemed to notice an apprehension by Perish to move further east. Furthermore, Simon Perish desired certain alchemical texts located in the capital city that would expand on his notes for replicating his power. The notes were compiled into what would later be the Shakti Manuscript which were combined with notes given to him by the Soothsayer. Her notes came from the Sand Spider’s research on the Haoma fruit. The Empress decided to move toward the Central Pillar and take Meridian.
The Empress’s three confidantes each played a part in taking the throne of Meridian. The Soothsayer used her powers to foresee the coming events. With Simon Perish at their side, they could take the city with minimal bloodshed.
Simon Perish spoke on the Empress’s behalf and offered the Elder King a peaceful transition. This was rejected by the Elder King and his forces were to withdraw within the city to prepare for a siege. The Shimmering Knight led an attack on the city of Helena and The Phoenix Scepter engaged the Axis Cruciger in battle. Victor Noble now fought the former knights that his family had used to belonged to. The Shimmering Knight approached the capital and used his power to project a powerful blast onto the city itself, destroying much of the outer wall the Enceinte. This disillusioned Helena's army who had never witnessed such power. Simon Perish then entered the Grand Castle, slaying the guards of the Elder King. He then offered the Elder King another chance at surrender.
The Elder King Ulster of Meridian surrendered and Simon Perish brought him before the Empress in the field. He bowed to Anahita, who was now known as the Empress of Gules and the Red Phoenix Empire became known as the Sanguine Empire. The Grand Castle of Helena was then known as the Palace Athene. The Elder King and the Royal Family were banished from the castle but allowed to live out there days wherever they chose. The Empress now occupied great power with the throne of the Central Pillar. Soon after a rumor began that a great many people died at the hands of the Shimmering Knight in Helena. This proved to be false, although Victor did begin to struggle with the destruction he was causing, the lives that he had taken were greatly exaggerated. The Empress and her regime became well known in the west.
Resonating Artifacts
Anahita finds that she has always loved Simon since she came to him in the monastery years ago. Anahita and Simon secretly begin a romantic relationship where they devote themselves to each other. Simon Perish, realizes that in all of his years, he has never loved another as he has Anahita. Perish, however, mistakenly feels that he failed her by letting her son die and never seems to let go of his perceived failure.
Simon begins study of his power of regeneration and dubs it the power of Panacea, which can heal any wound on himself or others by absorbing the damage onto his own body and then healing it. He also begins studying and researching the power of others, beginning with Victor Noble and the Soothsayer. He christens their powers the power of Destruct and Clairvoyance respectively. By mixing his blood with various elements, he finds that it produces strange properties when synthesized with various materials. Gold and silver in particular yield mysterious results on the materials. It is during this time that people begin to refer to Simon Perish as the Magus.
He finds a way to bind Victor's and the Soothsayer's power to a physical item with this process. These items emits a gentle glow and he begins referring to these items as Artifacts. It allows another to use the power but only once as the Artifact will shatter. He ends up making 5 Rings with the Destruct power though he continues to perfect this process by attempting to make the items last longer. Simon uses the Soothsayer's bracelet as the prototype.
This new process makes the Artifact emit a very low humming nose and very slight vibration. He refers to this as a Resonating Artifact. When the Soothsayer touches this Resonating Artifact it actually enhances her power to even greater levels allowing her to see her own future as well the future's of Victor, Simon, and Anahita, who are all in the room with her. Her nose begins to bleed and Simon is unsure of its safety. He destroys the bracelet, fearing what it could do. The Soothsayer then confides to Simon that Anahita is already pregnant with his child. He already knows and asks her not to say anything to anyone. She abides and can't bring herself to tell him what she saw in her vision. In truth she saw much more.
The Empress of Gules soon sets her sights to take over the nation of Veiland. She comes to the city of Selene to negotiate the terms to occupy Veiland as part of the expanding Empire. King Marcus, the Silver King receives her at the Crescent Keep in Selene, along with his wife Queen Theia. Her High Council consists of Simon Perish as The Magus, Victor Noble as the Shimmering Knight and the Soothsayer. There are several others in her council that serve as lords and dukes of her various political affairs. Anahita hides her pregnancy though she is fairly far along at this point. Her, Simon Perish and the Soothsayer are the only others that know.
Anahita gives Marcus time to make arrangements for Veiland's assimilation into the Empire and they return to their encampment at the Star’s Edge, a fortress that King has granted her permission to use. The Soothsayer seems to be on edge and will not leave Anahita’s side. The Empress goes into labor during the night and the Soothsayer delivers Anahita and Simon's daughter. Anahita, however, continues to bleed and loses consciousness. The Clerics do what they can to stop the bleeding but to no avail. Simon, attempts to revive her but his power of Panacea cannot absorb her wounds. Anahita pleads to hold the baby as she slips in and out of consciousness. She closes her eyes one final time and opens them to see that she is no longer in the keep. She is alone and she is no longer pregnant. The empress’s hear sinks as she realizes that she has died in childbirth.
empress of gules - winter
At Horizon
Anahita is completely and utterly devastated that she had died before holding her child. She appears alone in a field of white grass and is overtaken by her loss. She is urged to follow an instinctual desire to reach a tree in the distance. After what seems like an Eternity, she reaches the tree and she feels a longing inside of her to return to Life. At this, she is transported to a colorless, strangely hazy environment that appears perpetually in a state of stillness. It is silent and seems like Winter though she feels no sensations of cold on her now translucently gray figure. There is also a Light on the Horizon similar to a Sun. Her memories begin to fade somewhat but she latches onto the thought of her child and this drives her from here on. She finds that she has become a Demon in Hell and will await her return to Life in a new vessel. When this happens she will be stripped of all memories of her previous vessel. She does not accept this and plans on finding a way to return to her old Life with her memories intact.
During this time, she begins to help other Demons who begin to look up to her because of her regal demeanor. She discovers from other Demons that the Light above her is called the Undying Sun. Many find her inspiring in a comforting, maternal way. Others begin to worship her as Anahita has retained her beauty, unlike most other Demons. She begins to search for a way to return to Life without a vessel which was once done long ago.
Anahtia finds a Demon named Hyte who had also attempted to escape but failed. Hyte had located the Akashic Record that told him that Demons once escaped Hell by crossing the Chinvat Bridge. However, when he reached it, he had found that it had now been Sealed by a Gate. The Akashic Record is a living archive that was once used by the Demons for study. It contains the Knowledge of the Universe as well as the Record of all things that have come to pass in Life. Anahita wishes to see the Akashic Record and convinces him to take her to it. Hyte reluctantly agrees.
Frozen Hearts
Upon locating the Akashic Record, Anahita learns the histories of the Archons and the Aeons and discovers the nature of Samsara. She finds that the Chinvat Bridge leads to the Ouroboros Gate which is what was Sealed long ago by an Aeon named Sophia. However, it is through the Akashic Record that she discovers that Simon Perish has been planning for a way to open the Ouroboros Gate. This will allow her to escape Eternity. Simon will accomplish his goal when the Undying Sun is directly above Hell. When this happens, the Ouroboros Gate will be opened.
She asks Hyte if he had found the Chinvat Bridge and he informs her that to do so, they would need the Compass of Abraxas. The Compass, however, now resides in Heaven because of his attempted escape and is impossible to obtain. He states that even if they could, the Gate is still Sealed. Anahita tells him that the Gate will soon be opened and they need to be at the Bridge when it is. Hyte is somewhat more hopeful and uses the Akashic Record to find a way to reach Abraxas himself. They will find Abraxas and request a new Compass. The Undying Sun is still a ways from being above them.
Abraxas is one of the original Aeons who has now become a Demon after his initial time in Life. It was the one to hide the Chinvat Bridge so that Demons could no longer escape. It now resides in a Castle in the Sky. The pair reach the Castle by using the altered physics of Eternity to their advantage. Anahita discovers that pools of still water can be entered like portals. Falling through one from above sends them high enough to reach the Castle. The Undying Sun is closer to being above them now.
The Forgotten Compass
Once there, they find that Abraxas is not inside the Castle and begin to search for anything about him or the creation of the Compass. Hyte feels that someone is watching them and discovers that Abraxas is actually the Castle itself. It asks them what they are doing there and Anahita informs it of the situation. They request that it create them a new Compass to find the Chinvat Bridge once again. He tells them that they are the first visitors he has ever had and tells them a little of the History of Eternity. It tells them that they cannot return to Life, as Demons will not survive without vessels. It also explains that if they were to attempt to escape, Angels will begin to investigate as it is their job is to preserve the Law of Eternity. Hyte confirms this and reveals that it was the Angels that disfigured him. They would stop at nothing to capture the Demons and it is possible that the Angels may even attempt to follow them to Life.
Anahita then asks if Abraxas remembers Life at all. It does, and recalls that it's vessel was once part of a large family. She convinces him with her story of dying before holding her daughter. She tells it that any and all things in Life are worth the struggle to Live. It sees her point of view but reminds her that the Ouroboros Gate across the Chinvat Bridge is Sealed and cannot be opened from Eternity. Anahita then tells it that the Gate will be opened when the Undying Sun is directly above them, which is nearly there. After a moment, Abraxas agrees to become the new Chinvat Compass. It explains that after it does, they only have a short time to find the Bridge and escape Eternity before the Angels find them. Anahita is unfazed at this, and states that she will make it out before they are found. The Castle begins to transform with them inside of it. Anahita and Hyte make it out and fall upwards, landing near a Silver staircase. The Compass then falls to them.
Across the Chinvat Bridge
The two begin to hurriedly follow the Compass. Anahita asks Hyte what had made him attempt to leave Eternity the first time. He reveals that he died on his way to propose to the woman he loved. He was an artist and had made a necklace in the shape of the Sun for her but was run over by a horse cart on the way to her. He longed to return to her and tells Anahita how distraught he was when he found that the Gate was Sealed. Though he had lost hope, he had found it again with Anahita. In the distance they see three beams of light fall toward the Staircase where they were. Hyte says that those are the Angels and they must hurry. As they make their way, other Demons begin to follow them without them knowing.
Hyte is visibly nervous and states that they have to hurry before the Angels reach them. They reach the area according to the Compass and Anahita asks what is next. The Undying Sun is directly above them now. Hyte turns the Compass into a Black Sword and swings it, creating a tear in the darkness. A white light envelopes them and Anahita sees the Chinvat Bridge. Hyte is excited to see that they are nearly there and that the Gate is opened. Anahita asks for The Chinvat Compass as they reach the end of the Bridge. Hyte gives it to her. He begins to tell her that they have made it when Anahita stabs him with the Sword.
She indicates that she can't have the Angels following her to Life. She states that she is sorry but thanks him for all of his help. She then enters the Light, leaving Eternity and entering Life. As Hyte falls, his last vision is that of other Demons also leaving Eternity.
“Vengeance or justice. Tell me if there is truly a difference. Vengeance on the world? The world that has wronged me? No. There is no restoring the world to what it was. Only to make it what it should have always been. I seek to implement a balance that was never in place to begin with.”