Anahita - Design Variants
Anahita Adevi
The woman that would become the Empress of Gules was born to a clan of devout holy Farsee practioners in the southern nation of Masyana. Her family came from the original protectors of the holy city of Estahker and as such, her hair was red. Most people in Masyana had rusty brown hair but the girl named Anahita had red hair and lighter skin. In Masyana, it just so happened that most with red hair came from the poorest families.
It is unknown, then, how Anahita became the Shirazad, the story teller, to the young daughters of the Sultan of Light. Anahita was well read at an early age because of her upbringing with prayer. However, there is no account for what led her from being from being the daughter of poor Farsee priests, to becoming the Shirazad to the Sultana at such a young age. Despite this, Anahita became a part of the Royal Palace in Masya and this would lead her to becoming Empress of the Sanguine Empire.
Nearly 100 years before Anahita was born, a religious conflict began between the southern nations of Masyana and Vendihad. Much of the conflict was attributed to the possession of a certain portion of the desert that housed the Holy City of Estahker. Years before this conflict, the holy city of Estahker’s population fell as people began to settle throughout the desert. The city eventually became nearly abandoned except for the most devout Farsee priests. However, the secrets of what was held within the city is what fanned the flames of the war.
Holy Warriors of the Farsee and the Majai engaged in nearly a century long war that began to weigh on the people of Masyana and Vendihad. The war would last for generations, through four Sultans in Masyana and three Shahs in Vendihad. After many years of warfare that saw even kingdoms from the north become involved in the religious conflict, a pact was made that could potentially end the fighting.
The self-proclaimed Sultan of Light has become the sultan of Masyana and believed himself to be the Saoshyant or the Saviour. He desired to ascend to the Heavens by opening the Chinvat Bridge which resides in Estahker. To do this, he would require the Star of Tanu and the Circle of Urvan, the two keys held by their respective religious orders. The Star of Tanu was already held by Masyana as that is where the Farsee resided. The Sultan required the Circle of Urvan, held by the Majai in Vendihad. The Sultan would marry one of his 6 daughters to the Great Shah of Vendihad as a gesture of good faith and would thus unite the two countries in blood. In return, the Great Shah will relinquish the Circle of Urvan.
The princesses of Masyana are called the Sultana. The Great Shah considers the proposal but becomes enamored with a young female servant girl to the Sultana, a young red-haired Masyani woman by the name of Anahita. The servant girl is called the Shirazad and tends to the daughters and tells them stories. The Great Shah is taken by her beauty and steals her away to be with him instead, which the young Anahita agrees to. The Great Shah treats Anahita very well and she quickly grows to love him. They marry and Anahita the Shirazad becomes the Shahbanu, the Queen of Vendihad.
The Sultan of Light is enraged by the insult and especially about not receiving the Majai Key from the Great Shah. The Sultan consults with a witch known as the Sand Spider to find out how to defeat the Great Shah and obtain the Circle of Urvan.
The Great Shah had returned from the frontlines of battle with the Black Scepter and planned to remain with Anahita for the Summer. One evening, Anahita was in the throne room when the Great Shah came to her with a box. He intended to give it to Anahita but he wanted her to guess what was inside. Anahita teased the Great Shah and guessed the sun. Before the Great Shah could open the box a young girl appeared in the throne room.
The guards attempt to seize her but are stopped by Anahita. The girl is brown haired and dark skinned. Anahita believes that she is from Masyana. The girl is grateful that the Shahbanu stopped the guards. She refers to herself as the Soothsayer who has come to pledge her loyalty to the Shahbanu. The Great Shah misinterprets this to mean loyalty to him as well. He then asks what she can offer. She tells of her power of foresight. She has come to inform them that there will be an attempt on the life of the Great Shah. She tells the Shahbanu that she wishes to serve her. She believes the Shahbanu to be a rising red phoenix who came from nothing and is now a queen.
The Shahbanu is interested by the young girl and believes her claims. The Great Shah is not convinced. He asks her how his death will happen. They are told that there will be an assassin employed by the Sultan of Light. The Sultan has been consulting with a witch on how to defeat the Great Shah. The Soothsayer claims that she knows of this because she killed the witch herself.
The Great Shah is skeptical. He asks her to tell his fortune. The Soothsayer says that she has. The Great Shah picks up a small item from a table and asks the Soothsayer what is in his hand. The Soothsayer does not respond. The Great Shah then says that he believes that Yahaida is the assassin herself despite the Shahbanu trying to convince him otherwise.
The Shah tells his men to kill The Soothsayer. However, the Shahbanu convinces him to simply hold her captive, since she has come from Masyana, she may have valuable information. The Soothsayer is then thrown into the dungeon by the Great Shah. The Shahbanu does not protest. Guards are doubled around the Palace and part of the Black Phoenix army is called back from the battlefronts to lock down the city. The Great Shah then shows Anahita what is in the box and it is full of red and gold flowers. The Great Shah picked them during his time away where the rare flowers grew at an oasis in the desert.
The Shahbanu visits the young Soothsayer and apologizes for the situation. The Soothsayer thanks her and already understood that the Shahbanu wished to speak with her more without the Great Shah’s presence. The Shahbanu admits that she wishes to learn more about the Soothsayer. The Shahbanu introduces herself as Anahita. The Soothsayer tells Anahita that her name is Yahaida. They are both from Masyana, though have differing hair color, and the two become closer over several days.
The Soothsayer finally reveals that she has come to Vendihad to serve Anahita who will become the Empress. Anahita is confused. The Soothsayer explains that they will need to find a white knight in Masyana. The knight is a prisoner, but he alone will turn the tides of the war. Anahita is unsure at first and does not believe that she can become an Empress. She asks why she should become an Empress if the Great Shah is ruler.
The Soothsayer states that nothing will stop the Great Shah from dying. Anahita must do this for herself, and for her child. Anahita is taken aback. She was unaware that she was pregnant. The Soothsayer confirms that she will help Anahita ascend the throne for the sake of her future.
Anahita is unsure of what to do with the information and lashes out at Yahaida. She cannot bring herself to speak to her anymore. Furthermore, she loves the Great Shah and does not wish for him to die. Especially now that Anahita has learned that she is pregnant. The Shahbanu leaves the Soothsayer, shaken by her fortune. Before she leaves, the Soothsayer tells Anahita what the Great Shah held in his hand earlier. It was a gold flower that the Great Shah was going to give to Anahita.